The results are in and somewhat confusing to me. I have a parastomal hernia. But the scan reader said it was slightly bigger than before. Which means they have known for about a year now that I have had a parastomal hernia and no one told me. No one. And they only list one incisional hernia, not three. So what is the deal? Why did no one tell me before that I had a parastomal hernia for a year? I am going to have a word with my surgeon. And it isn't going to be a nice word. So it was a year ago 2.6 cm with a sac of 4.4 and now it's 2.7 cm with a sac of 5.6 cm. They called that a small increase. But when my surgeon was talking about incisional hernias, she was saying 2.3 was big. So how is 5.6 not big? I don't really understand all this stuff. I wish I did. I wish someone had told me I already had the hernia; I wouldn't have been so worried about getting one. Because if you already have one, you are already doomed. I don't know. I guess I am kind of mad.

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