Hollister 2pc Mystery Leak: Seeking Solutions and Experiences

Dec 19, 2024 4:02 am

Well, I’ve made it through the 1st week of being an ostomate🤪. I was sent home with a 2 pc Hollister bag. The thin plastic and accordion has  been giving me issues.
It’s applied properly with an Eakin seal and no leaks that I can see. I’ve had to change the bag everyday for the past 3 days. Something is definitely seeping out somewhere. 

Apparently my black Lab knew something wasn’t right ,also. She kept sniffing me and sat down really close to me and stared🤦‍♀️

I have samples of the Coloplast Mio Click, so I took my “99th shower “ and applied it. Hopefully, it holds up through the night.

My 1st supply order is coming tomorrow with all of these Hollister bags🤦‍♀️ I did order some Coloplast bags, just to have some, thankfully. 

Has anyone else had issues with the Hollister 2pc?

Dec 19, 2024 4:37 am

Good luck on your new adventure. Suggest you also try ConvaTec- 🌈

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Dec 19, 2024 4:44 am

As you are learning, you know that education is key on this new journey of yours. I suggest you check out UOAA, United Ostomy Association of America. It's our national organization. Also, Ostomy101.com. You will learn about foods, blockages, skin care, clothing, ostomy products, travel, activities, exercise, and a whole host of other tricks of the trade. You might also want to check out a local support group near you. You see from your posts that you are not alone on this new journey of yours. Always remember that wearing a pouch does not and will not define who you are. There are solutions if down the road you get frustrated. We're here for you. Best of luck. 🌈

Dec 19, 2024 6:33 am


I have a colostomy. I've only used Hollister 2 piece. It was put on me in the hospital after surgery. So I continue to use this.

Never had a leak or bag blowout. I've had some really full bags... that held. I always wear a Nu-Hope Corp. support belt.

To reinforce the Velcro-type drain closure, I always use an IGGIE clip. This clip tightly holds the drain shut.

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Can use 2

Just fold up the bottom 1 turn, put on the clip.

The clip is available at any office supply store or Walmart.

Also slightly decreases bag length. Great for a little guy like me. Before I used the clip, the bag bottom would "peek out" at the bottom of my shirt. My wife would point it out all the time. Shorter shirts... I fold up the drain 2 times.

Dec 19, 2024 8:18 am

Hello KDP.
I use a 2 piece setup but, because irrigate, I don't (generally) have a problem with output and leaks.
However, what I have noticed is that the thin plastic gets a hairline split at the point where pressure is exerted when I take the bag off and put it on.
Sometimes this happens  on the very first time I change and I cannot see the split properly until a few changes later because it is not big enough. 
If I can get the hand of this technology, I'll try to post a picture.
Best wishes



Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 19, 2024 9:30 am

If by removing the entire appliance you can look at the barrier ring and see where the leak stems from, you can get an idea where on your body the leak is forming.

Using a clock face for example, and looking at the O-ring, is the leak at 12 or 6? 3 or 9? From the bottom at 6 is where it leaks a lot. Mine happen at 3 and 9 a lot. Bad adhesion and bending cause this.

The Mio is a great wafer idea.

The five-finger design holds much better in my opinion.

Dec 19, 2024 9:36 am


Not sure I'm following you. You don't have any leaks, but you're changing your bag because your dog smells something? Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, about 10,000 to 100,000 times better than ours, so they can smell you a mile away even if you have no leaks. Especially if your bag is vented! If, when you change your barrier, you don't find any evidence of an actual leak, don't change it so frequently and your skin will love you for it. Fido will get used to the smell, and no human will ever be able to tell. If there is a leak, then be very observant when you remove your barrier and find out where it's coming from. But unless I'm missing something, you're making a problem where none exists. If I'm getting something wrong, please let me know.


Dec 19, 2024 10:26 am

At this hour? 5 a.m.? That would be missing breakfast, dude. 🤮 Not lunch. 😆

Dec 19, 2024 12:02 pm
Reply to w30bob

No, I am not changing my bag because of my dog. That is ludicrous 🤦‍♀️. Of course, she can smell things that I can't, especially having a “well-known” keen sense of smell. I only mentioned her to reiterate and confirm what I was smelling. I've been fine up until 3 days ago. The bags I was given by the hospital were taken out of an unknown box and randomly placed in a clear bag. It could possibly be just a bad batch 🤷‍♀️.

Dec 19, 2024 12:06 pm

Coloplast MIO click went well last night. It feels so much more secure than the Hollister. The plastic around the ring seems more durable.

Dec 19, 2024 12:09 pm

Not gross at all👍🏼

That makes a lot of sense regarding why Hollister bags are made from cheaper materials and why most hospitals are contracted with them. 

Dec 19, 2024 1:07 pm

It seems you're all knocking Hollister, but I have been using Hollister for a good few years now and never had a problem. Remember, we are all different and what is good for one is bad for another. Try all the brands and then make your own opinion. Process of elimination.

Regards, IGGIE Jingle Bells all the way.

Dec 19, 2024 3:09 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Yeah.......but you use office supplies to keep your Hollister bags closed.  I'd say you had at least ONE problem!


Dec 19, 2024 5:09 pm

I use the IGGIE clip on my Hollister bags when I roll them up to keep them shorter than the bottom of my shirt.  I haven’t had any problems with leakage from the bottom of the bags since I’ve been using them for 7 months.

Dec 19, 2024 6:59 pm

I have tried to put the photos on here but not having a lot of luck!
Then, all of a sudden it worked! - Then it didn't - I am now giving up and will try to post them on my profile.
You will see that the split in the rim of the bag is not visible until it is forced open. Nonetheless, it is/was  quite capable of creating a leak without me knowing from where.
Best wishes


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Jane doe
Dec 19, 2024 7:23 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Hello Beach Boy, I too use the 2-piece Hollister, had 2 leaks, one in the hospital and one at home prior to being “educated.” 🙂 I put barrier strips around the wafer and I clip my bottom up with a bobby pin! I can't use the clip, I am petite and old and have arthritis in my fingers. ~~ Need to become a member and love this site and I really enjoy your “adventures,” especially the one about the “Mississippi Mud.” 😂😂

Dec 19, 2024 8:19 pm

When emptying your bag it is very important that you clean the area were the bag is clipped/velcroed thoroughly. If it's velcroed it can be problematic to clean — if not clean you will get a smell.

There are three major vendors of ostomy appliances — Coloplast, ConvaTec, and Hollister. They all make 1 and 2-piece appliances. Convatec and Hollister both make adhesive coupled appliances also. They each have multiple families of appliances. Body type, stoma size/height, and adhesive skin sensitivity are factors that dictate what appliances work for you.

Depending on whether your ostomy will be permanent or temporary is a factor in how much testing you are willing to conduct. Since vendors supply free samples you should plan to test products from all three vendors. If temporary, once you find a product that works you can stop testing. If permanent you owe it to yourself to test products from all three vendors even if you encounter an appliance that works — just because a product works does not mean another one will not work better. I tried multiple products from ConvaTec while in the hospital and additional products from ConvaTec and Hollister while in a rehab facility. Since being home I have also tried multiple appliances from Coloplast. All three vendors make barrier rings, try them all not just ConvaTec's Eakin. You can also sample barrier extenders to further enhance your adhesion.

The one thing I have found to be indispensable is a support belt. All three vendors sell support belts. They generally are of the 1 in width variety. I prefer belts 2 in wide and I wear a belt 24-7.

Dec 19, 2024 10:58 pm
Reply to aTraveler

Don't forget a supportive wrap to hold that bag from bouncing around. Hate that. Jingle balls.

Wraps are available vertically or horizontally depending on a 1 or 2 piece appliance. Yeah, nothing says warmth like poop around your side, horizontally in a wrap like that.

Dec 20, 2024 2:06 am

My stoma is pretty high up on my abdomen so if I put on a tee shirt and insert it in my pants it stops the pouch from flopping around and doesn't inhibit the effluent from dropping to the bottom of the pouch.

Dec 20, 2024 5:10 am
Reply to aTraveler

That my friend is a tight squeeze. 😁

Dec 20, 2024 1:38 pm
Reply to w30bob

G-Day Bob, I mainly use the IGGIE clip for shortening the bag; keeping it secured is a bonus. Regards, IGGIE. Have a great Christmas.

Dec 24, 2024 12:24 am



Congrats on making it through the first few weeks with your ostomy!

I also found that I didn't like Hollister for a bunch of reasons, although that's what the hospital put me in. Pets always know regardless, lol, and I frequently have to dissuade pets from investigating when I am visiting friends.

I use the Coloplast Sensura Mio 2 pc now and it's so much better. It feels way less like having a plastic bag taped to my stomach and my skin is much happier with the adhesives. I also like the closure much better and never get leaks. Once you're fully healed and your output stabilizes, you will have a better idea of which style works best.