Fishy Smell in Ostomy Stool: Seeking Insights

Dec 28, 2024 1:37 am

Hello guys, I have not been in this community for quite some time now. I miss all the people I have made conversations with and the very helpful people as well. I remember that I have my login and decided to join again and ask about this odd fishy smell that my daughter's stool has. Her diet is very clean as she cannot have many things per her GI's advice. We focus on giving her Pedialyte and protein and three meals a day. Last time she had this smell, it was because she was battling norovirus. Her stool consistency is thick, not watery, thankfully this time. If anyone can give any insight, that would be nice!

Dec 28, 2024 1:52 am

Hi there,

So, is the smell constant? Is her stoma the same color, or has the color changed to dark, or are there dark spots forming on the stoma? Because it sounds like either something she ate or there is an infection. I would make a doctor's appointment if the smell is that bad and constant to make sure there isn't an infection.

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Dec 28, 2024 3:00 am

Hi, welcome back. I remember you back in February of this year.

You were looking for answers back then. Since your disappearance, I guess you found them. Good to have you back.

Dec 28, 2024 3:07 am

Thank you so much! There's a lot of information here. She's a one-year-old, so she still can't have many of these things, but I didn't even know about leaving some soap in the bag to kill the live enzymes. That's such good information!

Dec 28, 2024 3:13 pm

Wow. 1 year old already? Time flies.

You are doing well. I sincerely hope this place has helped you emotionally and education-wise.

Adults with stomas giving advice to a parent for their infant is definitely a first-time event.

By my count, there are only two of you on here. I hope you two communicate.

Welcome back.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Dec 28, 2024 3:41 pm

If you think she has a virus again you should contact her doctor and get it checked out. It is better to have it checked out and be nothing then not have it checked out and be something. You can check the content of her diet with the info given above and see if you notice anything there. Otherwise get it checked out.