Ileostomy & Dehydration - Tips for Staying Hydrated Outdoors?

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Apr 29, 2012 12:59 pm
Hello all! I need some advice. I have had my ileostomy since 10/11. We are just now getting into the heat here in the South. I was at my daughter's softball tournament yesterday. It was about 90 degrees here in Georgia. I drank A LOT of water and Gatorade yesterday. I also ate fruit, but was really dehydrated and zapped from the sun yesterday. I am afraid that I have seen a glimpse of things to come for the summer. I want to know if any of y'all have any magic potions or tips for staying hydrated while outside for the day. I felt very weak when we got home yesterday evening and dizzy a couple of times during the day. I have always loved the outdoors and never had any trouble prior to surgery. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Past Member
Apr 29, 2012 1:02 pm

Hi there,
I always make sure I carry a small bottle of isotonic flavored drink. It replaces the salts that you lose, especially when it is a hot day. I don't know what brand you have over there... for me, they don't make me feel so zapped.

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Apr 29, 2012 2:28 pm

Advice? It's just a matter of common sense. As ileostomates, we are at a very high risk for dehydration which can be life-threatening. Drinking fluids alone may not be enough. Don't let yourself even come close to being zapped by the sun and heat. Seek immediate shelter and air-conditioning if you start to feel a little weak or dizzy. That said, I got to run now to make a 12 noon tee-time.

Remember what Noel Coward said about mad dogs and Englishmen, and you'll be fine.

Apr 29, 2012 5:37 pm

You are at a particularly vulnerable time because your surgery has been so recent. It will take time for your GI tube to adapt to where the small intestine (i.e., ileum, assuming you have it left) will absorb more water. In the meantime, try to stay out of prolonged sun as much as possible and drink water. You will see things will improve.


Apr 30, 2012 5:40 pm
Dear Dehydrated,

I live in a very dry part of the country and have had my ileostomy since 2001. The one thing that really helps with dehydration is water throughout the whole day, not just when you are outdoors or in the sun. Your body no longer retains fluids like it used to, so you need to be sure that you are drinking water before, during, and after you go outside.

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 30, 2012 11:54 pm

All of us ileostomates need plenty of fluids. The thing that annoys me is that it goes in one end and out into the pouch. Arghhh! It's like having your plumbing cut halfway or wasting water. I agree with everyone - I get dizzy, headaches, and forget to remember to drink. As soon as I get headaches (because I don't often get them), I think, "Oh no, water, water, water!" But it starts to bore the shit out of me. LOL, get it? DUHHH.... Speaking of water, I need it right now. Yes, carry a bottle. I know in Australia you can buy tablets to put into water. Choose a nice flavor and let it dissolve in water. I don't always like the taste of the salty parts though. And I have been very slack in getting my Gastrolyte lately. Thanks for reminding me. BRB, getting some water now.... Okay, I'm back with my boring water. Put it this way, I hear we can have kidney problems if fluids aren't kept up. And I like my kidneys. Hahaha, only have 2?? So I want them intact and no kidney stones. xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

May 03, 2012 1:15 am

Thank you all so much! It means a lot just to know you guys are here.

Jun 03, 2012 9:52 pm

As far as dehydration goes - I find that Pedialyte does the trick. I've had my ileostomy for 30 years now, and in those 30 years I've traveled to Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Colombia, California, Nevada, Arizona, and many other really toasty places usually in the summer! I always carry a bottle of Pedialyte in my backpack! The orange doesn't taste bad at all! Pedialyte also makes a product called thin strips that look like little pieces of tissue paper (gum size). They melt on your tongue and give you the instant electrolytes you need.

Aug 12, 2012 10:23 pm
Hi Lolamax,
Just read your post, sorry for the delay. When I have been in the States, I always buy your Pedialyte, which has really saved my bacon a few times when I've started to get dehydrated. I didn't know that they made a product called "Thin Strips". Where would I buy those? At a chemist (drugstore) or can you get them in a supermarket too, like the Pedialyte?