Colostomy Irrigation: A Personal Success Story

Oct 01, 2012 2:33 pm
I just had to share this.  I just started colostomy irrigation.  I was always getting fecal impactions that were very painful.  By irrigating I don't get the impactions.  I used to take MiraLax, which would take 4-5 days to work and even then I would not be fully emptied out.  I have to say irrigation is not for everyone.  On YouTube there is a video of a man from (I think) Australia who irrigates.  His video is very informative.  Irrigation even allows me to wear a stoma cap instead of a pouch (around the house...not comfortable going out yet with just cap).  I feel like a new woman!
Oct 02, 2012 5:27 am
Hello Megan.

Welcome to the world of irrigation. As you say, it is not for everyone. However, those who persevere find it frees us up from all those irritating the problems presented by wearing bags and having little or no control on output. I would find it very hard to go back to bags and all the hassle that goes with them.  

Best wishes

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Oct 05, 2012 12:15 am
As my son says, irrigation is the "Shiz" (like Popeye fried chicken - you have to be an Adam Sandler fan to get that one.)

Keep up the good work!  Mine has been going well for 2.5 years now!       

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Jul 10, 2013 1:58 pm

I've been irrigating for 30 yrs and it works most of the time.  You have to train your eating habits to determine which foods & drinks cause leaks or "firings" when wearing stoma caps. Otherwise, it is a great substitute for having to wear bags all the time! Lotsa luck!
Past Member
Jun 22, 2015 8:13 pm

Well done Megan. Welcome to the world of freedom. I'm currently writing a book about irrigation with lots of tips. 


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