Constipation or Blockage with a Colostomy: A Painful Lesson

Feb 08, 2013 10:51 pm
Hey guys and girls haven't been on the site for ages but the last couple of days have made me remember how helpful you all were when I first got my colostomy just over 2 years ago.

Wednesday evening started with a painful tummy, took some paracetamol and went to bed with hot water bottle. By 4am was woken by a lot more pain, by 6am I was calling the emergency paramedic. By now was being sick as well, an ambulance was also called and away I went to hospital. After getting better pain relief and blood tests and xray I was admitted to a ward. I read before on the site how painful a blockage can be but I had not experienced one before, until this day and now I know how bad it can be.

I now realise how important it is to keep properly hydrated and eat little and often and not skip meals, I think because of this I was constipated. The whole experience is going to make me alot more careful in future, and I,m writing this to try and remind all how easy it is to get caught by being complancent and forgetting that there are some limitations with an ostomy so lets be careful out there. Oh and yes I'm back out of the hospital now Friday night tummy a bit tender but stoma working again and behaving
Feb 08, 2013 11:46 pm
thx for that reminder...I had my colostomy Apr 2012 & had alot of problems with leakage, etc.  But for the last few months, I hv been having a great time so I know what you mean by getting complacent. Glad you're out of hospital and doing better!!
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Feb 09, 2013 10:35 am
Hi trudel! I hope now you are well! I had a blockage a few weeks ago and the pain was terrible. So as advised by many friends here we should learn to chew very well our food and drink plenty of fluids.