Review of Pure Bio-Clean Solutions for Odor Control

Jul 24, 2013 4:09 pm
Pure Bio-Clean Solutions which sells on Amazon might be a cheaper alternative to M9 drops.  I bought them for the first time about 3 months ago and it was a dismal failure, so I gave them feedback that expressed how much of  failure their drops were.

Imagine my surprise when they wrote back that they were changing the formula and were going to send me another bottle to see if it worked.

2nd bottle was marginally better and I wrote back with suggestions for improvement.   They adjusted their formula more and just sent a 3rd bottle.

I'll let you all know how this 3rd bottle goes.    The last change was pretty good, but when I did my morning emptying after an overnight it was stinky.. not horrendously so, but I would rather not cough and make faces while emptying my bag in the morning.... before coffee. (laughs)
Aug 01, 2013 4:39 pm
I requested the free sample from Na 'Scent and it is something I will ultimately purchase when I run out.  so far it is the best thing I've found for odor control though still not 100% effective.  I've used M9 drops and have not been happy with it, but the spray room deodorizer is the best.  Try the free sample of Na'Scent advertised on this site.  Good luck! Also you might want to try "Just A Drop" odor eliminator drops that you put in the toilet before you empty your pouch.
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Aug 05, 2013 12:53 pm
I might try the Na Scent one day, but what didn't you like about the M9 drops?  I also agree, their deodorizer spray is awesome.
Aug 05, 2013 2:56 pm
I have also tried the M9 drops and was disappointed with them also due to the fact they did not work very well at controlling odor.  Plus the fact the blue color can stain your clothing if you spill it on yourself.  The Hollister ADAPT works very well and you can also get them in the handy individual sizes to carry in your pocket or pursue when out and about.  All the best.  Rod
Sep 19, 2013 2:00 pm
I must be special or unusual.  When I use the M9 I have absolutely no odor at all, but you are right about the blue color, it's annoying as heck.

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