Hi heshootshescores ~ you may find this article interesting. I don't understand everything the authors say, but there seems to be at least some truth to their words.
Hidden Dehydration Silently Steals Your Energy
By Brian Foltz and Dr. Joe Ferrara PhD
Chronic dehydration robs your body of energy. For every one percent loss of water inside your cells, energy production is reduced by 10%! From testing hundreds of patients for dehydration, we found 90% to be dehydrated — most of them between two percent and four percent. That means 60 trillion cells are not producing 20-40% of the energy required to maintain cell function and overall health. This causes accelerated aging and premature health problems at the most basic level – cellular energy.
Mild or moderate long-term dehydration causes or contributes to a long list of health problems, including (but certainly not limited to): energy loss, chronic fatigue, allergies, asthma, high blood pressure, stubborn weight gain, depression, anxiety, toxicity, blood sugar imbalances, joint pain, headaches, and immune system dysfunction.
As you age, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain optimal hydration and optimal health. One of the most interesting findings in our clinical experience is the direct relationship between a patient's health and their level of hydration. Every patient with a long-term health problem has a long-term dehydration problem.
You may wonder why dehydration is such a big problem. After all, water is everywhere and all you need to do is drink more of it, right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Every day, over and over again, we hear the same question from patients: "How can I be dehydrated? I drink lots of water!" The problem is that the water is not effectively getting into their cells.
The Primary Cause of Chronic Dehydration
Today's drinking water lacks the energy to effectively hydrate the cells. Water is the ultimate carrier of energy and is itself a very pure form of energy. Much like how food loses its nutritional value when the soil is polluted or overused, our water has lost so much of its natural energetic properties that it can't hydrate and detoxify your cells and your body.
Understanding how water lost so much of its natural energy begins with understanding the miraculous nature of water itself. Nothing lives without water. It energizes everything. It is the most sensitive and dynamic substance on Earth.
Water has a unique ability to hold and transfer the specific energetic vibrations of substances it is exposed to. Every substance radiates its own energy as a unique vibrational pattern or frequency. The reason the Great White Shark can smell blood over one mile away is because the blood's energetic frequencies (not the blood itself) are rapidly transferred outward through the ocean's water.
However, the miracle of water is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, water makes all forms of life on Earth possible. On the other hand, water is so sensitive and such an effective carrier of energy that its life-sustaining energy can easily be altered by the extremely potent and harmful energy of manmade substances, processes, and industrial by-products.
Today, after more than 100 years of massive environmental abuse (pollution, deforestation, nuclear testing, etc.), the energetic quality of all Earth's drinking water has been permanently degraded to the point that it can no longer optimize hydration. Nature simply can't purify and energize fresh water fast enough to keep pace with humanity's relentless violation of natural processes.
Modern technology can purify water, but purification systems cannot restore water's natural vital energy. There are many different technologies that attempt to improve the quality of water. Virtually all of them are artificial and not based on how nature does it. One bottled water company ultra purifies municipal tap water, and then adds oxygen and ultrasound energy to raise the osmotic pressure. This artificially pushes the water into the cells for a short-term effect. However, nature doesn't do that.
Learning from Nature
Nature purifies and energizes water with two primary forces: motion and vibration. As water travels through an ideal natural water cycle in a pristine mountain forest, its motion, as it falls, swirls, spins (vortex), folds, bubbles, and flows, causes the water to be highly energized with beneficial energetic properties.
As water is moving through this cycle, it's also exposed to specific vibrational frequencies from the energy fields of the earth, soil, bedrock, minerals, and vegetation. These two forces combine to form a combination of energetic properties that are ideal for hydrating your body, including a natural polarity that matches the body's own battery-like polarity.
It is the energetic properties of water that determine its hydrating capabilities. Your body is a highly organized complex of vibrating energy systems that uses vibrational frequencies as its primary language. In 1999 Gunter Blobel won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology when he proved cells use frequencies to find and transport protein (peptides) and nutrients to the cells that need them.
Although most water in nature looks the same, the variations of energy in water from different sources can be huge. Masaru Emoto, a water researcher from
, proved this by photographing different waters as they crystallized into ice. The energy patterns revealed from the ugly pictures of tap water and polluted water compared to the beautiful snowflake pictures of natural spring water are dramatic.
The Biophysics of Hydration
Hydration is not well understood by most people. It's not like filling up your car's gas tank. Optimal hydration is an optimal relationship between the dynamic flow of water between the inside and the outside of your cells.
The fluid that surrounds your cells (extracellular fluid) largely determines the health of those cells. The energy of that fluid is of primary importance. Many substances and body processes contribute to the energy of your extracellular fluid (e.g., electrolytes, etc.), but the energy of the water you drink has the most powerful influence on your hydration.
In order to optimize hydration, the first thing to do is drink water that is bio-compatible with the energetics of the water in your body. First, it must contain a natural polarity that matches your body's own battery-like polarity. Any type of artificial process, such as running water through pipes, strips the polarity from water. It must also have the naturally high electromagnetic frequencies that nature ideally imparts to natural mountain spring water.
When you drink water without the energy to match the energetic needs of your body, it cannot maintain an optimal relationship of water flows in and out of the cells (hydration). This is why today's low energy water does not effectively hydrate your cells and why you can drink plenty of water every day and still be chronically dehydrated.
Bringing Nature's Energy back to Water
Recently, a new nature-based biophysics hydration technology was developed that restores the natural polarity and energy to drinking water by mimicking how nature energizes water with motion and vibration. By simply adding a small amount of this super-charged water product, called Hydra Booster, to any clean drinking water, you can re-energize water the way nature intended for optimal hydration, detoxification, and cellular energy production.
The benefits of reversing chronic dehydration are immediate and can often times be dramatic. Many people feel a natural lift of energy and less stress within a couple of days. However, the real benefits are long-term because you are rebuilding your health at the most basic level: cellular energy production. With more energy to work with, every cell, tissue, gland, organ, and system of your body will work better to heal, revitalize, and energize you.
Better hydration improves the results and benefits of any diet, protocol, or health program. Nutrients are more effective, acid waste is eliminated more rapidly, tissue pH balances faster, skin improves, sleep patterns improve, detoxification is more efficient, weight is easier to lose, the aging process is slowed down, and your goals of better health, energy, and vitality are easier to achieve.