Swimming with an Ileostomy - What to Wear?

Nov 24, 2013 10:57 am

Hello, I have not had my ileostomy for long. I'm just wondering, can I go swimming? Or do I need to wear certain things?

Nov 24, 2013 3:30 pm

I never had any problem swimming either in pools or oceans. Just a couple of caveats. Swim with an empty bag and quiet stoma. Also, forget about diving or body surfing and be sure to stay well hydrated at all times. Last one in is.....

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Nov 24, 2013 4:37 pm

Thank you.

Top bloke
Nov 25, 2013 4:05 pm
Hi Stace,

I have had an ileo since Feb 2013. I have been swimming with no problems. I do always get paranoid that my bag is coming away, so I have to keep having a feel to make sure all is ok. So far, I have been 3 times for 2-hour periods or a little more. Like Primeboy says, swim with a quiet stoma. You will learn to know what periods your stoma is quiet if you have a routine.
Nov 25, 2013 6:27 pm
Here's a link to a similar post that has some additional information you may find helpful...


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Monsieur Le President
Nov 26, 2013 8:29 am
I have had an ileostomy since I was 20 - 47 years ago.
I wear board shorts (type) with longish legs, highish top, with a net liner.
I have always worn a belt with my bag.
I have swum and dived in swimming pools and in the sea all over the world.
I have dived from a 10m board and over the side of a boat.
I have belly boarded many times.
Go for it.
You can do what you want.
Dec 03, 2013 7:01 pm

Hi there, I've never had a problem with swimming, plus you can buy ostomy swimwear which is lined to let it be less visible. I dry it after with a hairdryer, and with a two-piece I simply change the outer part as the filters block with the water.

Dec 05, 2013 9:21 pm

Hi there, I have had my ileostomy for 25 years - since I was 17. I do aquafit three times a week, have swam just for fun and never had an issue. Like others, I do dry my appliance with the hair dryer, and typically, if a day at the beach is a day-long event, I come out, and dry off, every couple of hours.
Have fun, enjoy!

Dec 30, 2013 8:07 pm
You bet you can swim!! I use a 2-piece Convatec appliance.

For me, I've had better results using the Sure-Ring Seal on top of the flange and then some tape on the very edge of the seal. That way, the flange seems to stay put for about 4 days of many hours of swimming/snorkeling and even hot tubs. For sure with hot tubs, the extra protection makes a difference.

I wear a tankini ... and at first I bought one of those skirty things to wear on top. Not needed, just irritating and gets in the way. No one sees the ostomy.

If swimming or snorkeling in remote areas (no washroom) I carry a plastic jar (mayo) for emptying. Some are ok, with just depositing in nature ... I'm from the old 'take everything out with you' school.

Enjoy the water!
