Has Anyone Tried POOPouri for Odor Control?

Dec 29, 2014 4:07 am

I am not sure if this is the correct section to put this in but here we go anyway...ha ha.

I was watching a youtube video the other day and of course their was a advertisment before the video I wanted to see. Well, I thought at first it was a joke. but then found out it was for real. It was for something called POOPouri. The ad is funny as heck. But it is a odor control drops or something like that you put in the toliet before you go. I have to admit I have not tried it yet but plan to. It has gotten good reviews as for its effectiveness. Thought I would mention it here since odor is always something ostomates worry about. I especially do at work. Anyway, it is sold on Amazon website if you are interested in looking it up. i just typed poopouri in the search engine and it came right up.

Past Member
Dec 29, 2014 6:35 am

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