Urgent: Need Spare Colostomy Supplies in Metro Atlanta

Sep 06, 2015 2:34 am

If there is any one in the metro atlanta area that has soare colostomy pouches, waffers even one pieces that are not in use can I please have them. I AM OUT.  And  I have no clue what to do. I just ordered them today so I just need several until the end of next week. If you do have any please let me know via inbox. 




Sep 16, 2015 6:31 pm

Hi Katie,

I'm sorry no one has replied to your post and hope you recieved the supplies you ordered by now. I did however read this post that someone was giving there supplies away.



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Sep 17, 2015 12:13 am

Hi Katiemae, I missed your post...sorry.  If you need supplies immediately, go to your local hospital ER and they should be able to give you a few wafers and pouches to hold you over until your delivery arrives.  They may not have the type you use, but for the time being it will be okay.  If you know of a hospital in your area with a wound care nurse, even better.  He/she will have many supplies available for your use.  Good luck Katie and I hope that your delivery arrives soon.  LH