After working at my new place of employment for about a year and a half, I finally told my coworkers about my colostomy. I wasn't planning to do that because I didn't feel it was anyone's concern, and I didn't feel comfortable about it. But one of my coworkers, who knew that I had colorectal cancer, asked me if I had to get an ostomy because she knows people that had this cancer and ended up on the bag, at least temporarily. At first, I was angered at her for outright asking, and I told her it wasn't anyone's business. But I realized I just gave myself away by reacting that way. So I explained to her and the other people I work with that yes, I, in fact, have an ostomy and mine is permanent. I told them I was going to tell them when I felt more comfortable discussing it. I also explained that I am not ashamed of it and there are plenty of other people that do know. My supervisor replied that one of her close friends has an ostomy. So I felt a little more comfortable. After getting this secret out in the open, I felt a great sense of relief. I am not as paranoid about the chance of leakage or the noises I make when there is gas because now they will know that it's my ostomy. I wonder what their next question will be
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