Bag Changing - Daily or Weekly? Cost or Preference?

Aug 10, 2016 12:53 am
Just a quick note and a question for everyone. I change my bag on a daily basis. I have noticed a lot of others only change every week or so. I know some use 2-piece bags. I often wonder if the reason for not changing your bag is due to the cost of the bags or just your preference. In Ireland, I get my bags under a monthly prescription along with my medication (Humira). The total cost to me on a monthly basis is currently €144 for both. That fee also covers any other medication for the rest of the family. I have to say changing my bag daily (I shower between bags) has allowed me to have virtually no soreness or irritation around my stoma. However, I find that on the rare occasions I don't change my bag, the area around my stoma becomes sore and irritable. I would appreciate other thoughts and opinions if you have the time :)

Aug 10, 2016 9:37 am
Hi John,

First, welcome back to the site.

I don't know about everyone else in the USA, but I'm only allowed 20 pouches a month, though I only need 10. I change every 3rd day because my stool is very acidic from short bowel syndrome and it eats away the wafer. I don't know how some people get an entire week with one bag. I sure would like to know that. Also, if I tried to take my bag off daily it would rip my skin off because of the pouch I use.

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Aug 10, 2016 10:53 am

Hello... not all bags are made the same way... for example... I use New Image by Hollister... and well... the inside lining is plastic so it is washable... plus I irrigate... so cleaning them is easy...

Aug 10, 2016 12:03 pm

Hello WAB,

I have an ileostomy and it's a little different from a colostomy. I can't irrigate. You are correct though, that all bags are not made the same.


Aug 10, 2016 2:28 pm

Hi everyone, I also have an ileostomy and change my pouch either every day or every other day. I change my wafer every three to four days. Sometimes, I am able to go 5 days but notice that my skin starts to need some air. I use a cut-to-fit wafer because my stoma changes shape all the time... go figure? My pouches are drainable but I find that the filter clogs after one day of wear, so it is ineffective. I like the filter working because it helps keep my pouch fairly flat. Burping the pouch, unless completely empty, is problematic for me. Having a soiled, clogged pouch can cause odor. I also like the freshness of a new pouch each day. I also use an ostomy deodorant. It helps lessen odors, although the smell is not completely eliminated. I can't irrigate either because I have no colon left. In addition, I wish that I could change the pouch every time it is soiled, but my insurance would not cover it and I do not wish to pay any more than I do for my medical supplies. They are so expensive. Thank you for your post. Have a great week. LH


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Aug 10, 2016 4:03 pm

For me, the controlling factor has always been the wafer as I use the two-piece system. Generally, I can get between 3 and 5 days between changes. Of course, with my ileostomy, this depends upon several factors such as activity and diet. Occasionally, I have to change the wafer after only one day. The pouch is obviously independent and can be changed as such. Showering has very little impact.

Aug 10, 2016 4:44 pm

Thank you Xerxes and LadyHope for clearing things up. I don't think I did a good job of explaining things from my end.

Welcome back LH. I too took a long break and came back to the site a few weeks ago.

Have a great day!


Aug 11, 2016 12:58 am

Hi everyone,

I have a colostomy and use a two-piece setup as well. I can go 4-5 days without needing to change the flange. The bag itself I change as needed. I don't watch what I eat all of the time because at work I usually order lunch, so depending on how food affects me, I change.

Taking a shower doesn't matter for me either. Sometimes with just the flange, sometimes no appliance and of course, sometimes in a full set.

I think the key is how your skin is feeling under the flange and of course how well everything is sticking. Odor can be a problem but I tend to use different things added to water when I rinse out the pouch along with a deodorant in the pouch.

Past Member
Aug 11, 2016 4:01 pm

John, I shower daily without a bag, changing the entire system daily. As time has progressed, I find I am using only a Coloplast Sensura Mio one-piece, and most often need nothing else - wafer, barrier strips, etc. - except for using the barrier film wipe before applying the bag. I find it is healthier for my skin, not to mention my own personal feeling of well-being (and cleanliness). I had to obtain a letter of medical necessity for more than the allotted amount of 20/month for excessive output, but I carried two insurances which helped push that through. I think one of the most offensive things that ostomates are condemned to is the lack of choice to change our bags as frequently as we want. It astounds me that at 62 years of age, I am supposed to defer to someone else's opinion of how often is often enough to have clean underwear. I've never been one to follow someone else's game plan, but it can be prohibitively expensive. Also, when I was on Remicade, the infusions were about THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH. CRAZY. With two insurances - from work from hubby and Medicare of my own - my cost is my annual deductible for the policies, covering all doctor visits, medicines, tests, etc. Generally, that works out to $166/year from Medicare affecting only the first 3-month order, and everything else is covered for the rest of the year.

Please understand, this is in no way a judgment of others. Everyone is different, and I am admittedly OCD about some things, but truly believe that what works for you individually is what is best.



Past Member
Aug 12, 2016 1:01 am


I change every Saturday morning. Ileostomate. A few times I have had to change all before a week. My stoma HATES the shower. I have a rain head on low pressure to accommodate, but it does not care. So my appliance is on through the shower. I use Press 'n Seal to cover and it has worked well to keep the bag and wafer dry. I am fortunate that my insurance has a provider auto ship and I have enough bags and wafers now to get me through with a weekly change for over a year. There are no limits except for skin prep, but that has not been an issue yet. I have routinely changed out the pouch midweek. Certain foods seem to cause gas/air that must adhere to the inside of the pouch lining as it seems like all I do is burp the bag every hour, but if I put on a new bag the problem is gone. Not sure why, but if all it takes is a new bag, I'm good. If it helps, I use a 2-bag system from Hollister.

Aug 13, 2016 3:22 am


Sounds like maybe your filter gets clogged like most of ours do. Maybe someday someone will make something better for all of us!

Aug 13, 2016 3:35 am

I feel like changing my bag is a pain! I wouldn't want to change it every day, even if insurance gave me enough bags to. I secretly have a closet full of them because I'm a slight hoarder.

Aug 15, 2016 6:39 am

Great to hear from you again, I hope you're doing well :)

Sep 18, 2016 6:11 pm

I want to try the wafer. Can anyone tell me how they're doing with it? I've been using the cream adhesive.

Sep 19, 2016 4:34 am

Hi Streetrod, I have a question....what is the cream adhesive... an Eakin seal or stoma paste? I wasn't certain. For me, I use a barrier wipe, secure my cut-to-fit flange and attach the pouch. The brand of product that I use is Coloplast. So far, I have not used anything else except maybe some stoma powder when I need complete dryness on my skin around my stoma. Thanks for the post. I hope that I answered your question. Take care - LH