East Coast Ostomates - Anyone from PA, NJ, or Delaware?

Nov 10, 2007 3:40 pm

Are there any East Coasters in here? Meaning PA, NJ, Delaware, or anywhere close. It was hard enough to meet any other people with Crohn's. Now that I'm an ostomate, I don't think I'll ever meet another one, let alone a woman who understands what we have to go through and can sympathize.

Dec 09, 2007 3:12 am

Hey Pokermutt--I'm on the East Coast--just a shame it's in another country... But hey, we have the same problems here... No one wants to talk about it or even tell anyone they have one... So for me, being me--I'm blowing a lot of people out of the water with my honesty and attitude... Good luck in your search... I'm sure I will be looking till I die--hope others have more luck... I'm used to being on my own... Ciao baby... xxxx

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  38,712 members
Dec 28, 2007 10:16 pm
Hi. I'm on the East coast too. Ha ha -the East Coast of ENGLAND! Had ileostomy for 3 years and quite willing to talk about it as much as you want. Cheers, Belinda
Jan 16, 2008 1:49 am
From NH right at the mass border and brand new here nice to meet another not too far away!

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Jan 20, 2008 11:27 pm

Hi all, I'm in Queens, NYC. My name is Maria or Mia. I see they have improved the site. I first came on here when there were only a few members. Hope to get a chance to chat with you. Please feel free to send a message. Hope to hear from you
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How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Feb 20, 2008 7:42 am

Hey folks, I'm a New Yorker. I live in Manhattan. I'm going into the hospital on Feb. 28, 2008, for surgery and hopefully for a reversal. I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Later, peeps. Night.

Feb 20, 2008 4:10 pm
What's up Mutt. I live in CT. I have had an ostomy for over 20 years. I have met many women, and for the most part they don't care about the bag. The ones that do, well you don't want them anyway. I am very private about mine however, and most don't even know, unless I am intimate with them, and sometimes, not even they know

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I am a poker player too..I play at Foxwoods all the time. I have recently moved in with my old man, and am playing less now. Don't like online...I like to read the player.

Past Member
Mar 23, 2008 1:11 pm

Hello there, everyone. I've been an ostomate for 22 years now and live in Connecticut, USA. I have an 11-year-old son and two cats and one dog. Soon to change that to two dogs... mine needs company to keep her from getting bored!
I've been through just about everything an ostomate can go through, I think, so if anyone has any questions for me, just fire away! I'm also a very honest person, so if you can't handle the truth, consider this a forewarning!
Happy Easter to all who celebrate it, and I hope you find the egg you're looking for.

Oct 08, 2008 4:57 pm

Hello, Poker Mutt/All! Nice to meet you! I had an emergency colostomy 20 years ago, had it reversed, and everything was fine and dandy until I had another one a year ago, on October 7th, 2007....
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and if that wasn't enough, I had a hernia operation in May of this year... I am making up my mind whether to have my colostomy reversed although I've had little problems and am healthy otherwise... decisions, decisions...
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Holler back!
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Aug 23, 2012 7:32 pm

Hello PokerMutt,
I am new to the forum. I have had an ileostomy and urostomy for over 30 years because of childhood cancer. I am in Maryland. I know the ups, downs, ins, outs, and am still learning about being an ostomate. It took me a long time to talk about my colostomies, but I am glad I have. I am a fashion model, love to write, travel, am a TV junkie, do motivational speaking, and love being with family and friends. I will be having a book published soon about being a cancer survivor and living with ostomy bags. Again, I am new to the forum, but glad I joined. Hope to talk soon. Peace.


Nov 30, 2017 9:45 am

Hello Pokermutt, I am a newbie in the forum. I know somebody from the East Coast; a dear friend of mine lives there. She had an ileostomy early.

As well, my family has had a history of cancer since my grandmother. We have lost a family member to cancer and now have a cancer survivor with us.