Preventing Ostomy Leaks - Essential Tips!

Sep 03, 2016 7:00 am

Tips for Preventing Ostomy Leaks

Clean skin well with soap and water and dry well - no lotion or lotion soap around stoma area!
DO NOT use skin prep! The prep prevents the barrier and ring or paste from melding with the skin. It used to be recommended, but not with today's products.
Cut the barrier, peel off plastic on barrier, and let it sit for a few minutes before applying. Do this also with the ring.
Use rings instead of paste. If you have to use the paste, put a thin layer around the cut barrier device and let it set for a few minutes before applying. Remember, the paste is not a glue. Overuse will cause a leak, not help prevent it!
When the barrier is placed over the stoma, have the patient hold their hand over it for a couple of minutes. The warmth of the hand will help it seal. You can use your own hand if the patient is unable to.

Hope these tips help


Past Member
Sep 03, 2016 12:11 pm

Good morning,

I use the skin prep and have never had an issue. I have found that with the ring, if I warm it for 5-10 minutes depending on how much body heat a person puts out, this helps a lot. Ways I have warmed it are by still wrapping it under my armpit, sitting with it under my bare leg, or in my bra. I also use stoma powder after the prep, and as long as one lets the prep dry, I don't see an issue. If it's not dry, yes, it can leak. I learned this early on from a home health nurse when she came 3 days a week for the wound vac.

I can't use paste, as it dries like a hard plastic ring and was very painful to remove. It took over 20 minutes and a ton of tears. The home health nurse suggested it for added protection. She was here the day I was to put on a new appliance, and we agreed it wasn't for me. It works for others though, just not me. I think any ostomate would agree that if they're having a problem, it's worth a try to go for something new and improved. I grew up being told, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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October Born
Sep 03, 2016 12:24 pm

Good morning Eddie,

I also use a skin prep and have never had a problem as long as I let it dry before putting the bag on. I must say the wipes work better for me than spray preps. I only use spray prep after applying stoma powder in trouble spots around the stoma and just on the powder, nowhere else. I have also had better luck with paste instead of rings for preventing leaks, but you have to let it set for a minute or two before applying. I guess it just goes to show us that everyone is different and it's all trial and error and error and error before you find what works for you.


Past Member
Sep 03, 2016 4:40 pm

Lol. Loved the error and error and error. Ain't it the truth.

October Born
Sep 03, 2016 11:36 pm

Hi my south of the border friend,

It is the truth. I had days where my bag leaked 3 or 4 times right after changing. So frustrating. I realized I said everyone is different. I once said that if another Dr. told me that I was going to strangle him with his stethoscope and then I use the very same line. Good thing I'm not wearing a stethoscope. : )



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 04, 2016 12:45 pm

Hey, good day. Those were tips.

I wrote for my nurses. They get very little ostomy care training in college. If you skin prep and have no problems, great! I was told by an ostomy supplier not to use it. To each his own.


Sep 04, 2016 8:18 pm

A food journal is a good idea to help a new ostomate learn what foods may give you problems. It is also good when you try a new food that you try only a small amount and increase the amount over time.

I know I can eat nuts but no more than I can fit in one hand anymore and I'm asking for trouble.

Sep 05, 2016 3:03 am


Why not use a hair dryer on the ring? Set it on high for 30 seconds. I find it works like a charm.

Sep 05, 2016 12:58 pm

Hey Eddie, 4 months post-surgery and I still am having leakage problems. Thanks for your advice... I know I have tried every combination and after the leak this morning, we are thinking of another 'ways' to try. I will keep coming back to hear success stories and can't wait till I can post mine! ; I think I have tried the Sensura Mio but...? ; I'm going to ask for another and maybe Hollister "dome" 1 piece (think it may not have worked ;??), and the Hollister 1 piece sent home with me (which seems the most comfortable). I'm bound and determined to make a decision SOON. Lord, only knows when, not if, I'll need to find another (fat gain, etc.) lol... I have other issues still like pain and if I do too long an outing (which I don't!!), I'm down, as in the bed for the rest of the day! :(

Anyway, hi all! Take care, Duncan

Sep 05, 2016 4:31 pm

Eddie. Great message with which I partially agree. If my skin starts looking a bit irritated, I use Adapt stoma powder and Cavilon no-sting barrier film wipes in appliance prep. There is no difference in efficacy with using or not using these skin leaks either way. Using them, when needed, really keeps my skin healthy. Maybe I'm just lucky?

I read this forum all the time and find it very helpful and interesting, although I rarely speak up. Hope my thoughts here are helpful to some.

Sep 05, 2016 6:15 pm

I do what you do. It has worked great. Was told the less stuff you put on skin the better. Keep it simple is my way. Had my ostomy since

Aug. 2012.

Sep 05, 2016 8:17 pm

Hi Eddie, thanks for your post. I was recently at Jackson South Hospital in Miami having surgery for a fistula under my belly button. In the process, I got a new ileostomy; the original one was done in 2010. I noticed that nurses didn't use alcohol, iodine, or another disinfectant to clean my incision or my ileostomy; they used soap and water. Before the surgery, I was using alcohol followed by hydrogen peroxide to prep my ileostomy. Now I know, like you said, soap and water is sufficient for getting rid of any germs around my ileostomy. And this way, it's much less harmful to the skin.

On the subject of leaking wafers, I'd like to share that I've been using Herb Pharm Friar's Balsam just before I apply the wafer to the skin. It serves two purposes: it heals and protects the skin from any irritation, and it helps the wafer adhere to the skin, preventing leaks. A word of warning: if your skin is irritated when you apply the balsam, it will sting a lot, but for less than a minute.

Sep 05, 2016 9:45 pm

For me, skin prep is a must and the difference between ugly broken skin and perfect intact skin. You can give tips, but they're not a must or the gospel. What is good for you isn't necessarily good for everyone. I'd hate to see you put people off with your post, when you sound so absolute. There are no rights or wrongs. Regards.

Sep 05, 2016 10:51 pm

Dear h5g,

I totally agree with you that what works for me may not work for someone else. My intention was to share what has worked for me; in fact, I previewed my comment by saying that I wanted to share my experience. I regret that you interpreted my comment as a "must do."

Sep 06, 2016 12:00 am

Jim from Canada

First timer here. Today I'm four (actually 74) four years ago I had my operation so I have a birthday every year since that. I have been very lucky, as I have only had about 5 leaks in the four years. (I think out of the box!) I did not have anyone show me just what I was supposed to do after my operation, so I figured it out for myself and it all works fine.

First off, I NEVER put any kind of soap on the area as I found it causes leaks. I don't use anything period! I am also quite hairy in the area so have to shave it every second time or so during the process I'm about to describe. I change every three days or as I call them "Number three days" those are days that are divisible by three on the calendar. Here is exactly what I do, over and over! (I use a Holister two piece.)

I set the pouch with the mirror sitting on it and the barrier sitting on the mirror (start peeling the plastic cover on the glue off, but do not remove it) and set it over to the left of my sink sitting on my ceramic toilet tank, ready for action. I have a very small hair dryer and set it on the left side of the sink bowl. I take two folded half sections of paper towel (from the kitchen roll type of paper) and set them over to the right behind the faucet, where they cannot blow away later. I also have a piece of stiff clear plastic tubing, two inches long, and 1.5" in diameter with a 1/4" thick wall. (I bought this from a company in New York). I set this along with my razor and a comb on the right side of the sink bowl. I have a towel bar with a towel and a baby terry washcloth on the right side as well. I always shower first, with the pouch on. (This makes it come off without skin tears etc.)

After coming out of the shower I dry off and then belly up to the sink! (Note: a towel on the floor near the sink is a good idea.) I remove the two-piece Holister pouch at one time (it has to be empty of course) and deposit it in the plastic bag in the waste basket for later disposal. Do this by slowly and gently holding the edge and pushing on your skin to separate it from your skin. When it comes off, I then use the baby terry cloth towel (You can buy them at Target in a pack of 6) and vigorously rub the rough side of the wet baby towel on my skin to be sure to remove all the adhesive that may be sticking on my skin. (I pick the glue back off of the towel one piece at a time. When the glue is removed from the area, I use the paper towels to remove any wetness by patting and wiping the area quite dry. Next, use the hair dryer to completely dry the whole area. Here is the good part! Use the hair dryer to heat the glue part of the barrier, not real hot but quite warm. This will make it so much better for sticking onto your skin. Now put down the dryer and pick up the barrier and remove the covering plastic from the glue area. Use the mirror to center the barrier over your stoma. Now I use the plastic tubing I mentioned earlier. This tube fits exactly inside the barrier and over my stoma. I press the barrier tightly to my body. Note: it is still warm from the hair dryer heating it. (This is the secret, it sticks so much better!) I peel the two strips that are on the outer part of the barrier off and press the outer barrier ring to my body as well! Snap on the outer pouch and ladies you're done. I mentioned I'm hairy so I shave around the area near the stoma when required to keep the glue from sticking to the hair, which is a problem! I do not shave all over down there so sometimes hairs will get stuck under the edge of the pouch. They pull and it hurts, so I use the comb to catch them and pull them out from under the edge pouch before they become a problem when I move about later.

I know this was long, but I hope the clarity of it helps a lot of people who are having troubles. I have had absolutely NO TROUBLES from doing this routine. Try it, or as close to it as you can get with whatever company brand of supplies you have.

My motto: Live on the edge and remember whatever you do from here on in is free because you would not be here!

Past Member
Sep 06, 2016 12:45 am

Can you please share the stiff hard plastic company info from NY? I have always wished for something along this line to tamp down inside wafer. I have tried a few PVC contraptions from the hardware store, but the smooth edge has been a problem.

Sep 06, 2016 1:43 pm

Hi. If your stoma is flush with your body or an innie, try convex products. That is what I had to do to stop leaking. Good luck, Eddie.

Past Member
Sep 06, 2016 3:34 pm

No inns or flush

Sep 06, 2016 3:41 pm

Mmm... I see a lot of no's and do nots - those are commands not tips. It's all good IMHO, we all think and do for ourselves, you just came across a bit put off-ish. Could have been worded a tad more helpful and supportive. We have a lot of new folks and sensitive readers, I'd hate for them to read you as the gospel. :)

Sep 06, 2016 7:42 pm

Are you talking to me?

Sep 07, 2016 1:24 am

Search the internet. I'd like to tell you, but it will be a form of advertising and the admin will remove it. Sorry about that. Jim

Sep 07, 2016 5:33 pm

Can you put the words "Stoma" and "Plex" together and search that?


Past Member
Sep 09, 2016 4:12 am


Thank you for the tip. I found it just fine.

Sep 12, 2016 6:20 pm

Glad you found the info, Cann. I certainly could have told you the company, name of bag and bag# ... lol. My issue at this time is ... my stoma is an outty, I have a little swelling (or maybe fat; doubt that because I weigh 130 at 6' right over stoma and then rest from stoma down is flat. How the heck do you eliminate leaking when you are shaped like that? Still pushing forward and today is my birthday but I don't feel birthday-ey. :) Take care all; talk soon. Duncan

Past Member
Sep 14, 2016 11:44 am

Like you, I am slender, but right under my outty stoma, my skin, although not concave, has always been more inward. Coloplast curved strips work well for me on the underside of the appliance, no leaks.

Sep 16, 2016 10:22 pm

Thanks...will try. :)

Sep 17, 2016 5:04 pm

Great post Eddie! I'm sure it will help anyone who reads it .

Sep 18, 2016 2:28 am

Thank you, Miss A-1. LOL

Sep 18, 2016 1:29 pm


I also find that Skin Prep wipes do prevent the washer (seal) from adhering properly. I've carefully noted that each time I used preps, I got a leak. Don't get leaks now with the appliance and seal I am using. So yes....just water to clean around the stoma. I cleanse mine in the shower, so it does get a thorough cleanse with my shower gel as well as water. Sometimes a mild soap wash is needed to remove all washer (seal) residue.

Sep 29, 2016 6:05 pm

We use the wafer alone and it sticks very well. I don't use paste or a ring, just the Hollister 14603. Never had a leak or rash, although just a couple of days ago, I did notice a small rash line right at the edge of the wafer, so it won't be too difficult to get rid of.