How Often Do You Pass Mucus Plugs with a Colostomy?

Mar 12, 2017 3:51 am

Can someone please tell me how much mucus build up there is from a colostomy, end colostomy? i have an illieostomy and cant manage with the amount and size with my current issues.


I am after how frequent you have to go and pass a mucus plug, the firm hard ones.

Is it once a day once a week or once a month?


Thank you

Mar 12, 2017 4:15 am

Am very familiar with mucus discharge. Had ileostomy. Colon not removed. Had severe mucus discharge. Could not go out in public. Majority of people don't understand. Also had 6" prolapsed stoma. Just had permanent colostomy. Can eat anything except stoma is beginning to prolapse. Have no mucus problems now. So much better. If you have any questions, let me know,

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Mar 14, 2017 7:10 am

Hi Rosherau!

I have a 2014 colstomy.  About once a month I could bring a book into the bathroom, have a good read while expellling my "poo" Just like the old days!  But it was just a hard mucus blob.

Recently I have frequent slime issues. Ugh.


Mar 14, 2017 8:29 am

I used to get very hard and waxy mucous in my stump and couldn't expell it on my own. I had a very large parastomal hernia which prevented me from pushing like when you do a poo.

i had to give myself weekly enemas to clear it out or it felt like I was sitting on a stick and caused a lot of pain. After putting up with this for seven years, my surgeon performed a proctectomy in June last year. I now have a Barbie Bum" and no more rectum. This has now led to its own set of problems...

Good luck ☺