Urostomy Leakage Issues and Using a Tampon as a Temporary Fix

Apr 10, 2017 9:05 pm

I had a urostomy approximately 2 1/2 weeks ago and have yet to stop leakage. I change my bag system 2-3 per day. I use a 2 piece system, as this allows me to line up over my stomach more accurately. One of my challenges is to get the barrier on before urine comes out ruining the seal. I was suggested to actually push a tampon into the stoma to temporarily stop the urine. Is this safe? 

Thank you. 

Apr 11, 2017 12:55 am


I have a urostomy. I had leakage problems when the stints came out. I found out I was using the wrong type of flange. I started out with convetec and I swithched to holister. That let the flange move with my body better than the other brand. I put the ring on the flange first, than I apply the flange. I will also tighten my belt alittle tighter for maybe a half hour to help make sure it seals. I will use a blow dryer to heat the adhesive.

It works for me. I hope it works for you.



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  38,668 members
Apr 12, 2017 10:59 pm

Oh honey, that was my entire month of March after my surgery on the 6th. Turns out my stoma is retracting and I'm going to need a slight tummy tuck to account for all of the weight I've lost since this journey started late in July (almost 70 lbs). 

if you need a pouch with more convexity and bendability, I highly suggest Nu-Hope. The ordering process through the medical supply companies is hellish, but it will be worth it in the end. I've gone from 5 minutes - 30 hours of no leakage to SIX DAYS!!!

Now, I have to write my post begging people who might have my particular brand out in ostomy land to please share with one of their own.... 

gracie in texas
Apr 25, 2017 4:31 pm

I have a urostomy since 2010.  Sometimes the time of day for the change can make a big difference.  I change first thing in the morning when my stoma  is least active.  I use Coloplast  Assura one piece.  I use the round shape.  I found that for me, that I leaked with the oval shaped flange.  So, you might check your flange shape.  Also, check the skin underneath the wafer for scars or other unusual topography.  Sometimes those irregularities in the skin can keep the flange from securing uniformly.  Any depressions can be filled in with Eakin seals or paste.  I tear apart the Eakin seal and use it to fill in my appendix scar.  Also, make sure you are using the correct size wafer.  If your wafer is too large, you can leak there.  An Eakin seal can fill in around the stoma until you get the correct size.  I also use a hair dryer to ensure that my skin is dry, and then I warm the flange so that it will adhere more securely.  I also use  SkinTAc, a fine line around the perimeter of the wafer for extra protection.  Some things to watch out for:  your stoma can change size after your operation.  Also, keep checking the quality of your skin under the wafer.  If you develop a yeast infection or other irritation,  your wafer will have a difficult time adhering.  You can also develop irritation if you don't use a removal wipe like

gracie in texas
Apr 25, 2017 4:36 pm

Smith and Nephew adhesive remover.  I also use antifungal powder to prevent yeast. And I use Convatec barrier wipes.  I hope some of this helps.  With those products and procedures l am able to change only once per week.


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