Hernia with a stoma

Kooky Ukey
Jul 08, 2017 7:14 pm

Can anyone tell me if its okay to wear a girdle when you have a stoma.  My hernia is getting quite big and causing discomfort :( I am having reversal surgery on August 8, 2017 but until then I was wondering if wearing a girdle will cause problems to my stoma :(  When I have a girdle on the hernia feels better however I don't want to cause injury to the stoma.  I've tried a belt but it doesn't offer much support.  Any suggestions would be appreicated :)

Jul 09, 2017 8:50 am

Hello Kooky Ukey. 

All these replies to people's posts should come with a warning that our opinions are not necessarily the best advice on the subject that we are commenting on and -- if in doubt, consult a professional.

However, that has never stopped us from making comments before and I don't see why it should change now.  I cannot see any reason why a girdle should cause damage to a stoma any more than normal clothing. I have tried all sorts of things to help the hernia problem, including the most effective gadget so far, which was a back brace made from neoprene. Unfortunately, it makes me sweat too much so I don't wear it all the time.

None of these things have done any lasting damage to the stoma, although one or two of the gadgets I made myself did move out of position, across the stoma and onto my belly because the mucus made it all too slippery.

I would always recommend experimentation to see what works for you and if it doesn't work first time, sometimes a little tweak here and there can make things work much better.

Best wishes


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