Need Tips for Stoma Bag Leaks!

Jul 16, 2017 1:03 pm

I've had my stoma bag for just under two weeks and in the last week have gone through 5 bags (my most recent leak was this morning... lovely way to wake up).

I've tried heating the barrier ring with a hair dryer on low once it's on, in addition to using my hand for body heat. My stoma is slightly recessed and sits pretty much right on my natural belly crease.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks I can try? My stoma nurse doesn't answer her emails on weekends.


Jul 16, 2017 2:49 pm

If I'm reading it right, you are very new to this. I'm wondering if the barrier you are using is right for you. There are so many different ones and I have found certain ones simply won't stay stuck for me. I suggest you get samples from different brands and try them. The one I was sent home from the hospital with was one that was minimally successful in staying on and the leaks were killing me. Once I switched to another, wear time went to over a week and never a leak. I changed because I wanted to, not because I had to. The Convatec Durahesive Moldable Convex is my most dependable model.

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  38,668 members
Jul 16, 2017 4:53 pm

I am very new to this. It's been less than 2 weeks, the first two bags were put on by the doctor or stoma nurse, the second one she walked me through, but it only stayed on for 2 days.

I was sent home with a Coloplast one-piece but she was reluctant to give me a convex style. I've been using the Coloplast barrier rings, the ones they sent me home from the hospital with weren't as sticky as the sample pack the Coloplast sent to me. So I'm hoping it sticks better today and it'll last me more than 2-3 days!

I have some on order at the pharmacy but they won't be in until Tuesday or Wednesday. I put a new bag on this morning and have two more to use... here's hoping I don't need either of them until I have my order in.

Jul 16, 2017 5:27 pm

I think they don't like to use convex on new stomas as it can pressure the stitches. Once you heal well, you may have better luck using convex. Also, you mention Coloplast, I use the Assura model, but the newer Mio didn't stick at all. So, like I said, just keep trying until you find something that works. You don't need to be a hermit!

Jul 16, 2017 6:16 pm

Unfortunately, within 10 minutes of replying, my bag from this morning blew. So now I have 1 back-up bag left... my pharmacy is out of the bags I'm currently using, so I'm going to have to pick up something similar.

I'm currently using the Mio430; Coloplast 10471 one-piece Wide Outlet Drainable Pouch Maxi with Inspection Window Cut-to-Fit 3/8" - 2-1/8" Opaque.

Any suggestions?



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 16, 2017 7:10 pm

As I said, the Mio did not stick for me at all. I also had no luck with Cymed products. If all you can get are Coloplast, try the Assura extended wear flat barrier or SenSura line. You can get these in one piece if that's what you prefer, but the two-piece are not difficult to connect. I was looking at the Edgepark catalog, and it looks like Coloplast is really promoting the Mio. There are pages and pages of various ones. I just ordered samples when they first came out, and then there was only one model. I did see the one you are using.

Jul 16, 2017 7:18 pm

I assume you are cleaning your skin with a non-greasy soap like Ivory or Dial and not using wipes with aloe or other moisturizers. Also, dry well with a hair dryer and warm the barrier like you are doing. Another site you can get help from is: It has members from around the world and is free to join.

Newbie Dana
Jul 16, 2017 8:12 pm

Try to get a sample pack of Stoma Seal and Aqua Seal from Costa Medical. It's not free, but very low cost. The Stoma Seal is a thin membrane (I believe it might have adhesive on both sides, I don't remember) that goes between your wafer and your skin, and provides a secure base for the faceplate to adhere to. Aqua Seal is also a thin membrane, waterproof, and goes on over your faceplate and beneath your pouch (you cut the opening to the size of the pouch opening), and extends about an inch or so beyond the edges of the faceplate. If you have any leaks or breakthroughs, they are contained by the Aqua Seal until you can change your appliance.

You kept saying you "blew out your bag". I'm not quite sure where your leak is occurring. My assumption was a breakthrough between your faceplate and your skin. The Stoma Seal and the Aqua Seal should help enormously with that if my assumption is correct.

Also, if you use an adhesive remover wipe in order to remove your faceplate, you need to make sure you follow up with a plain water wipe or wet washcloth to remove the last vestiges of the residue left by the remover wipe. If you don't, your faceplate will never stick properly. I use Uni-Solve adhesive removal wipes followed by flushable moist wipes to remove the Uni-Solve. Fan with something to ensure your skin is completely dry and not sticky or tacky in any way, before putting on your faceplate or the Stoma Seal.

You mention only Convatec brand appliances, but I have never had much luck with them. I use Hollister New Image 2-piece with filtered pouches which snap in place with an audible click, and have had a lot of luck with them.

At any rate, hang in there, keep trying new things until you find what works best for you, and best of luck. Remember that it takes several weeks to figure out what works and what doesn't, and for your skin to get used to everything that is happening to it. Before too much longer, you'll be wondering what all the angst was about, as you go about your day without any hindrance.

Jul 16, 2017 8:49 pm

I certainly hope so. :)

I had to use my final bag this afternoon... my bag blew (most of my leaks have been near the bottom of my seal) as I was standing in the pharmacy.

The closest to the type of bag I'm used to is Hollister Flextend lock and roll. And I have some smaller Coloplast mouldable rings.

This time I tried putting the barrier ring directly around my stoma and then fit the bag over it once I was confident it was sticking. I then held my hand over it for a full 5 minutes to heat it up with my body heat.

Fingers crossed!! At 173 for 10 bags and barrier rings, I'm really hoping these work. :)

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm going to try and get samples from other companies other than Coloplast just in case. My stoma nurse is pretty set on that brand.

October Born
Jul 17, 2017 10:53 am

Hi Tashita74,

It sounds like my first couple of weeks. Once, I went through 5 bags in 1 day due to not adhering properly and leaking all over the place. I understand you're using rings but have you ever tried the paste instead? I use a convex 1-piece bag with paste and haven't had trouble since (knock on wood). As the paste flattens out when you press on it, it fills all the little openings that might be there. Just a suggestion and best of luck.


Jul 17, 2017 1:25 pm

Just cleaning with warm water around the stoma when I clean it. My stoma nurse suggested not to use soap as it would dry out my skin and make it more prone to irritation.

I had been using the stoma powder and am trying out barrier wipes instead to see if there's much of a difference.

Feb 16, 2018 3:12 pm

I suggest using a barrier adhesive. You apply it after you clean up the stoma and area. Use two wipes, wait for it to dry and it will become sticky, place on your barrier ring and bag.

May 29, 2018 7:08 pm

My ileostomy is near my stomach crease as well. I use Hollister type convex skin barrier with the wax ring. My stoma nurse is sold on the paste but I found it to be too messy. I use the two-piece bag and barrier. One suggestion for you is the moldable type barrier by Convatec. It may work better for you. You can request a sample through Convatec.

Past Member
Aug 24, 2018 9:33 am

I woke up with a Hollister 2-piece. I have tried Convatec, as well as Coloplast. Coloplast extends out to my suture line and belly button. Convatec only lasts for 12 hours at a time. I prefer the Hollister 2-piece and the see-through bags. I don't like it when I cannot view my output. I am susceptible to low electrolytes, so I make certain I don't have pancaking. I wake up typically twice a night to deflate my "airbag". The volcano tends to erupt when I am up for the day... lol

Oct 17, 2018 2:43 pm
Those first few weeks are really challenging! I was on the verge of hibernation as well. Every time I went anywhere, I had a leak! No fun! I was given the Convatec moldable one-piece from the hospital and some lasted only hours, someday but never long. I changed to the Coloplast one-piece, first moldable then pre-cut, then ones I had to cut which were best for me. I stayed to irrigate so wanted something different, so I changed to the two-piece. Now I only have to change the pouch every 6 days and get to it to irrigate. I am using the Convatec two-piece right now but am switching to the Coloplast. Their bag is more sturdy and the closure is awesome. I always use a Y strip on each side for extra peace of mind but have not really needed it with the two-piece. When you feel the tug from the pouch being lifted by stool (the leak), the strips give you additional wear time and time to get to a place to change! Ask each company for their samples. They will send you several of each to try.
Once you find what works well for you, hibernation will no longer be necessary and you can begin living again!
Hope you find your fit soon! Don't be discouraged, you will!
Dec 28, 2018 5:29 am

You might need to use a convex type of wafer. They work pretty well for recessed stomas. Convatec has them. You can get samples from different companies to try.