I am not sure where you have gotten all of your information for your post, and I find it misleading to those people who might be considering a BCIR or Kpouch.
I have a BCIR myself, and did a lot (years' worth) of research before I had it done.
There have been studies done on the failure rates of BCIR and Kpouches, and the results were that the majority of them do NOT fail, like your post states. There is actually a low failure rate for both procedures.
In addition, after the initial 3-month healing period, you should be able to eat whatever you ate before. They tell you to stay away from mushrooms and pineapple, but some people with an ostomy avoid those foods anyway. The tube is a 30 French, which is quite big and allows contents to flow out well. If the output is thick, such as if you didn't chew well enough, or eat thicker foods like you suggested (mashed potatoes), then you can just irrigate the pouch with water, and it just flows out. Might take an extra minute or two, but it does the job.
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As far as what do you do if you forget the tube, you go to a hospital or any medical supply place to get another one, just like you would have to do if you forget your ostomy supplies.
I am a nurse, had an ileostomy for 13 years, along with a host of other medical problems including a spinal fusion. My back and stomach look like road maps with the number of scars that I have. I have never had a problem with the scars or the way my body looked, and did not get the BCIR to "be very sexy again." Not everyone who has the BCIR or Kpouch is "frustrated by his/her looks." This is a stereotypical view in my opinion.
Just like with any surgery, yes, there are complications, like some of the ones you mentioned. However, there are always risks with any surgery.
I do not mean to be rude in this post in any way, it is just you struck a nerve with me as your post was so negative. There is nothing wrong with having an ostomy, I had one for 13 years. However, just because an ostomy is the choice for some people doesn't mean it is the right choice for ALL people. Some people are not even candidates for BCIR or Kpouch. With that being said, everyone has the right to make their own choice, and it should be an informed one.
Just presenting the other side of the picture,