Need advice on managing colostomy and improving bowel movements

Mar 10, 2019 3:08 am

My colostomy is almost a year old. My problem is I only eat once a day and I may go two days without any input. Dr advised me to take a laxative every day but wanna try and not have to take it all the time. I would thank anyone who comments.......also some hints as to what to eat to have them move.

Mar 10, 2019 8:52 am


Have you thought about irrigating? It solves a load of problems.


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Mar 10, 2019 2:05 pm

Increase your water intake and that should help a lot. Stay well. Penguins7

Mar 10, 2019 8:55 pm

Honey Nut Cheerios! LOL and buttered movie popcorn! Those two things have done me in on a few occasions, so they would be what I would go to versus a laxative!

I irrigate, so constipation is never an issue. You may want to look into that. It would relieve any symptoms from constipation and ease your mind. Even if you only did it every few days! Every ostomate's dream is to only irrigate every two or three days with no output! Everyone's system is different, and unless this causes pain or problems, this may just be your normal!

Mar 11, 2019 7:27 pm

I agree with Puppyluv56. Perhaps this is your normal, especially if you only eat once a day. If the output isn't hard or causing you problems or constipation pain, I say leave it alone. I've had medical professionals want me to be just like the "average", but found I needed to just see how my colostomy/stomach works and go with what works for me. Good luck!


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Mar 12, 2019 11:45 pm

I have had a colostomy since 9/18. There are times that I do not have a bowel movement for 2 days. When I do go, it is a lot. I was like this before I had my colostomy and had checked with my doctor and he said that it is normal for some people.

They did tell me to drink lots of water and this is supposed to help.

Mar 13, 2019 9:19 pm


Actually, you are fortunate and may want to look into irrigating and you would only need to do it every other day! It is awesome! I was told that whatever your habits were prior to your ostomy, should be the same after! I find that only partially true but it seems so in your case!


Mar 13, 2019 10:02 pm

Ladyhawke, what was your output like before your surgery? After a good six months, my bowel habits mirrored those before my surgery. Now things are exactly like they've been my whole life. Getting pretty good at knowing what to anticipate. My stoma is active several times a day, although it is getting quiet at night. If not moving your bowels for two days used to be normal for you, then why are you worried? If this is not your regular habit, something's up. Like you, I eat all my meals by 3pm, so usually have one meal and a snack. And I see it again the same day. As you know your body, you know your 'normal', does your doctor? Before changing your diet or anything, talk to him. I'm no doctor, but I don't like taking anything to 'help' with my colostomy, and my docs NEVER allow me to take laxatives as these can cause a blockage when you stop using them, and your body can become dependent on them. The one thing that won't hurt and may help, as everyone has mentioned, is to drink plenty of water and, if you like it, hot tea. As for diet, you need to find something that gets your little stoma moving. I have no suggestions. I've found that items that are supposed to cause odor, don't, things that are supposed to give me gas, don't... you get it. Our bodies and systems are so different that you have to take all those 'lists' as a general guide. If you get no relief and this really bothers you, then you must find a solution that does not involve drugsā€”for the reasons above stated. Let us know.