Essential Supplies for Post-Ileostomy Reversal Recovery

Apr 09, 2019 5:11 am

Hi all, 

I live in Malaysia so it's more difficult for me to get the various supplies / products that you can get in the West. I need to start ordering early. I'm having my ileostomy reversed in May/June. I know it will be a tough adjustment and wondered what I should get ready. Maybe a port-a-potty, metamucil (or equivalent as it's not in Malaysia), butt cream, diapers, etc. Would appreciate any advice from people who have gone thru this.

Although I'm new to this community, I've found a lot of kindness and support here and it cuts across ages, races, etc. I wish the world was more like this.

All the best my friends and thx.

Apr 10, 2019 12:46 am

Many items that you will find useful like metamucil and cleansing wipes, diaper skin cream and probiotics can be ordered online from sites like and delivered through mail and package services.  Do you have that type of service available?  You might want to avail yourself of items like depends and such, as well as pads for your clothing and a donut for your posterior while sitting.  I have used a wound gel called anacept from anacapa technologies which helps the raw skin and wounds to heal and I order that from the company themselves and they mail it to me.   Good luck with your reversal.



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May 09, 2019 6:33 am
Thanks dadnabbit for your tips.