Frequent Burping and Discomfort with Colonostomy

Mar 12, 2022 7:19 am

for a few days i have been burping ( wind from my mouth ) also i have a slight discomfort which comes and goes on my left side , about under my left breast . not having a lot of output though i have cut down my eating for fear of a blockage . i do have a colonostomy. i have had some output but not a great deal. has anyone experienced similiar. patrick

Mar 12, 2022 11:52 am

Hi Patrick

I can relate to you. It sounds like you may have a blockage. Thing's that help me are drinking fizzy pop which I can't stand lol, laying on my tummy for 15 minutes and massage the whole stomach. Try to drink plenty of fluids and avoid eating for 24hrs, also hot water bottle. If all this fails then I would call for advice. Ps if any other symptoms than the one you mentioned then straight for advice xx

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Mar 12, 2022 5:52 pm

caz i have passed some motions today so i am now thinking i have some sort of stomach bug . monday i will see if i can get a doctors consultation and tests

thanks patrick