Quality Control Issues with Hollister Pouches - Anyone Else Experiencing Defective Products?

Apr 21, 2022 9:39 pm

Hi folks, I recently experienced two separate issues with my Hollister pouch, a product I've been wearing for over a year and am very attached to (no pun intended!). First off, I had leaks coming from the vent in two pouches that came out of the same box. I always cover the vent with a little sticker, but that wasn't enough to stop the leak. I was able to stop it after putting more tape over it. I reported this to Hollister and they sent me three new ones to replace the two, which was nice. Then a couple of days ago, I put on a new pouch, only to discover almost immediately that there was a leak coming from somewhere near the bottom, just above where the opening is and where the fabric starts. I tried plugging this but it didn't work, couldn't really see where the leak was coming from. I had to trash it and start over. I reported this to Hollister also, and they are sending me out a new box, which is much appreciated. The bigger issue is that we ostomates need to be able to feel confident about the appliance we are wearing. I did not discover the leaks in this case while I was in public, but it could have been much different. The rep I spoke to said they always want the public to report problems like this to them, and they are happy to replace defective items. More importantly though, is that they know how frequently these things might be happening, and keep an eye on their quality control.

My question to you all is, are others finding quality control issues or defective products? I'm wondering if quality is deteriorating, like it is in so many consumer products these days. We need to keep on top of them and report problems, or I fear they will just go downhill.


Apr 21, 2022 9:53 pm

Hi Terry. I also use Hollister but have a urostomy. I've been using Hollister for 11 years and find it works the best for me. I usually get like 5-7 days per pouch consistently. Well, I had a batch that was leaking after a day to a day and a half consistently. I spoke to a friend in Washington who also has an ostomy, and she told me it could be a bad batch and to report it to my supplier. I did, and they said it happens and to bring the boxes in. I returned 3 boxes and got 3 new boxes back. I honestly feel the adhesive isn't as strong as it used to be. I find it doesn't stick as well, and I now use those skin tac wipes to make my skin sticky. Is it on purpose so that people go through more bags so they buy more, therefore Hollister makes more?? I don't know?? It seriously feels the adhesive doesn't stick as well. They wrote down the lot # when you return them and apparently keep a record of it.

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Past Member
Apr 21, 2022 9:54 pm

Thanks, Terry. Quality control is very important when it comes to our supplies! It's not like it is a pair of socks where you can just carry on if you get a hole in them!

Apr 21, 2022 11:35 pm
Reply to Uro2011

Thanks Uro (and nice to see you back on the site!) and I hope you are wrong that they are decreasing the quality on purpose...but who knows!? The guy asked me the lot # too, so I guess they are keeping track. I haven't found that the adhesive on my pouches is any less effective, dread the thought. I get six days consistently.


Apr 21, 2022 11:42 pm
Reply to Anonymous

Yes, no kidding! I can't think of a product where quality and dependability is any more important, except maybe airplanes! I know some people don't like being a squeaky wheel, but with something like this, it's really important to let the company know. Not just Hollister, of course, any ostomy company.



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 22, 2022 1:55 am

I use Hollister also. I have had some wafers that did not stick well. I just put tape around the edges and that works. I had wondered if it could be temperature changes.

Apr 22, 2022 3:40 am

I use Hollister and recently switched to convex bags instead of flat. The three sample convex ones I tried worked great. So, I ordered my monthly supply of convex ones. The first two I've tried out of my monthly supply have come loose as soon as I take a shower. The fabric part that sticks starts coming off as soon as I get out of the shower. Never had that issue before.

Apr 22, 2022 8:06 am
Reply to TerryLT

Well, maybe condoms...

Past Member
Apr 22, 2022 8:29 am
Reply to HenryM

Past Member
Apr 22, 2022 9:01 am
Reply to TerryLT

LOL Yes, airplanes too!

Mar 17, 2024 2:32 pm

In general, I think Hollister makes a good product, but they are not perfect. I have had an ileostomy since late 2013, and it's weird how they get into the hospitals with the wound-care recovery, and you end up leaving a Hollister customer. Over the years, I have had several pouch quality problems that they have been very responsive about, but I don't really see any improvement. If anything, they have started to use thinner plastic in some cases, which can't be good for anyone except the profit margin! Despite their excellent service, I don't honestly know if the end-users will ever see a perfect product. Until there is a technology or process that eliminates the need for this type of appliance, there will always be defects that make it past the QC group, and we suffer the results. In my perfect world, we wouldn't have to even manage this process... either through better capture and disposal systems, or better surgical outcomes where ostomies are no longer necessary :)