Advice on Salts stoma bags for UK ostomates?

Meadow Snow
May 15, 2022 10:57 am

This one is probably mainly for the UK based ostomates - has anyone here tried Salts? Because I've been having a problem with tiny little dribbles of output leaking past the wafer and onto my skin, thus causing really red and damaged skin. My stoma nurse has sent me a few convex bags to try and sort out this issue, some being Sensura Mio from Coloplast, and some being Confidence BE from Salts. I was just curious to see if anyone here has used/is using anything from Salts? Until now I've only used Coloplast (granted, it's not even three months yet with this stoma). With my last stoma from 2013-2015 I only used Coloplast as well. Oh, and I'm getting red skin where the baseplate goes with the Sensura Mio bags, hence why I'm hesitating to try the Coloplast convex bags.

May 15, 2022 1:11 pm

I have no experience with salts as they don't sell over here, but I really want to try. I had issues with Coloplast products exactly like you describe. My issue was that my stoma is shrinking finally, and I was cutting my appliances too big, leading to leaks and raw skin.

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Meadow Snow
May 15, 2022 2:10 pm
Reply to Abefroman1969

I actually did a bag change just this morning and put on the Salts bag, so I'll see how it goes for me. Fingers crossed, because my skin is quite pink from the Coloplast one. Although I might need to get some samples in the maxi size because these standard size ones might be too small at night! I liken my stoma to the Cybermen in Doctor Who: it operates at maximum efficiency.

May 15, 2022 2:12 pm

I use the Salts Confidence BE bags all the time. I find them great. They stick really well and are a nice neat short bag compared to some of the others I tried at the start.

Meadow Snow
May 15, 2022 3:02 pm
Reply to PipPop

That's really good, thank you. If this one goes well I'll probably think about switching over. I certainly like the look and feel of it, nice and sleek.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

May 15, 2022 3:04 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

Hopefully your experience with them is as good as mine.

May 15, 2022 5:50 pm

So jealous, only manufacturer that makes a black appliance, can only get them on eBay in the US and they are expensive!

I just changed today and had to use a Hollister which I hate because of the ballooning, at least it isn't transparent. Also seemed like everyone in the hospital decided to come visit me while I was almost naked laying on my bed trying to get the change done, no more standing changes for me.

May 15, 2022 9:54 pm

I get really irritated spots around my stoma and find it's usually due to a poor fit. Initially, I was told to leave a tiny space around the stoma but through experience now (2 years this Sept), I have learned to cut the hole smaller and that stuffing ole' Seymour (my stoma's name) into a tighter space (hole) saves a whole lot of pain and agony for me - I am not sure about Seymour, but at least he doesn't complain like I do when I am uncomfortable!

Rose Bud 🌹
May 15, 2022 11:38 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

Just curious, Meadow... Do you use any barrier spray before you put your wafer on or use a barrier ring? Once I started doing that, my redness went away.

May 16, 2022 1:27 am

Hi snow

I use the Salts mouldable seals, but not the bags as I have never seen them, works for me.


Meadow Snow
May 16, 2022 9:35 am
Reply to Rose Bud 🌹

Yes, Rose Bud, I was using both. I was initially using the barrier ring because of mucocutaneous separation (when the stoma separates from the skin). But the barrier rings of course also helped with preventing skin damage from output. Not completely, hence trying out the Salts convex bags, but without the barrier ring it was waaaaay worse. And I am also using barrier spray as well, it's definitely helping a bit, I think. I'll see how well or not the Salts convex bags work, and go from there. So far so good, though!

Meadow Snow
May 16, 2022 9:43 am
Reply to Axl

That's awesome Axl, the barrier rings I use with the flat Coloplast bags are from Dansac, but that was because of how and where on the peristomal skin the mucocutaneous separation was ... well ... separating. It was better for me to have the hole be off to one side so that the barrier ring could get more coverage at the bottom where it was needed. But I only changed the bag to the Salts convex yesterday, so let's see how much wear I get out of it!

May 16, 2022 12:27 pm

Meadow, I truly hope it works for you!!

I so wish they would send to the US. I contacted them again in a personal email and got a reply this morning. They said thank you, and we wish we did, but we don't. Gggrrrr.

They are awesome looking. You will be wearing some style, girl.

Meadow Snow
May 16, 2022 12:43 pm

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The current look

May 16, 2022 5:40 pm

Hi, I have been on both but find Salts more secure and comfy. I had a rash from adhesive with Sensura Convex. It's down to trial and error.

May 16, 2022 5:49 pm

One thing that will really help your red skin is to allow it to breathe for 10-15 minutes (or more) when you change. Give it some air time before you apply the new wafer. It's easy if you are lucky enough to have a quiet time in terms of output. If not, covering your stoma with toilet paper or standing over the toilet works. You'll be amazed at the impact that little bit of airtime will have on healing your skin.

Changing more often would mean less time for leakage to get on your skin, as well as more opportunity for this air time.

May 16, 2022 6:02 pm

I love the salt bags. I don't know how I'd cope without this brand. I've never had leakage with them. Only if my output is watery then I put sachets in the bag to thicken it. Do you use a seal at all? I find Salta aloe to be very good. I think without them I would most probably leak too x

May 16, 2022 6:14 pm

I use the Confidence Be bags - they were the only ones I could actually get to work without constant leaks. Plus they actually look ok in black (or white) - well, at least as ok as a bag of poo can look.

May 16, 2022 6:16 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

Hi. I had to use salts for a while as I was cutting 65mm and found they leaked quite often, but I think it was due to being overweight and having a hernia. I had an operation recently and now have a stoma the size of my belly button, no hernia, and changed bags to the CP Mio.

May 16, 2022 8:30 pm
Reply to Beth22

When I contacted them, they told me late 2022 or early 2023 they should be available in the US.

I've found them on eBay out of Missouri, the Confidence BE® line, but eBay doesn't accept insurance and they were pretty expensive. I was thinking of getting some anyway just to try in anticipation of them becoming available in North America.

I spoke to the rep in March of this year.

May 16, 2022 10:14 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

See style, girl!! I like the way those bags look. They were smart to do black bags.

Past Member
May 17, 2022 11:19 am
Reply to Meadow Snow

I have a really high output ileostomy, which is liquid as I don't eat and am fed via an NJ tube. I found the Salts bags actually leaked from the bottom, where you empty them. Probably okay if you don't have a liquid output. I always have leakage/burning problems from around the stoma no matter what bag I try, so can't comment on that x.

Meadow Snow
May 17, 2022 11:19 am
Reply to Beth22

IKR? They look and feel so sleek, although the bag closure took some finding, I actually had to Google it! Turns out the closure tab is hidden between the fabric and the plastic. I love how I can have the classic black or put a bag cover over it, depending on how I want it to look. They also do white and nude color bags as well, so you can coordinate it with your underwear.

May 17, 2022 11:36 am

I use Salts as my stoma bag, they do tend to stick really well for me and I think it has some aloe vera in the seal section. I found that the seal is quite soft and flexible so I would definitely recommend trying them. My stoma nurse gave me a choice and I stuck with Salts. We get them in Australia luckily.

May 17, 2022 3:34 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

There you have it, it's the cheap dansak. Great seal way too sticky and not good at all. I had awful skin with those. Thought I'd mention.

May 18, 2022 11:13 am
Reply to Meadow Snow

Meadow... I so wish they would send us all these. It makes me want to try the product even more. LOL! And seeing how it actually looks on... Like I had said, they were super smart with giving black as a color option. It looks sleek. How has it been working for you so far?

Meadow Snow
May 18, 2022 12:37 pm
Reply to Abefroman1969

Do you guys get Pelican bags over in the US? Coz I've been browsing their website and I noticed that their ModaVi line has black bags. I might have to try those as well, they look quite nice and sleek on the website!

May 18, 2022 4:38 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

I will have to look into it, having never heard of them. I'm inclined to say no, we don't. But it's worth looking into. Thanks for the tip, Meadow. Good looking out for us ungrateful colonists!

May 18, 2022 4:41 pm
Reply to Meadow Snow

The last I read, they don't ship to the US but maybe it has changed. ‍

May 18, 2022 4:48 pm

I've messaged them on Instagram. I'll keep y'all posted on what happens.