Okay, it's time to tell your best spill and awesome thrill with your bag buddy. I'll start because it's my favorite topic. The day I got out of the rehab center, all I could think of was going to my favorite BBQ here in San Diego. I had been telling my folks for a week, and they tried to talk me out of it. But alas, we went. I'd only been awake with my stoma for 10 days out of the 40 days since my operation, so it was still learning how to work. I had a big juicy beef rib. Tasted so good, and I was in heaven. They took me home for the first time since this all started. I was tired but happy to be back in my RV. I went to sleep and was dreaming about my nice doctor who had told me how to vent gas from the bag. Soooo I dreamt I was outside and venting, and suddenly woke up and thought I left the vents open on the roof and it was raining. After fumbling for the light switch, I realized I was laying down and I was covered with s t my doc said there would be days like this. She was right.
A few months later, my oldest daughter was in town for a few days and asked if she could sleep on my couch for the night. I said sure, but I get up in the night to dump, so you've been warned. Sometime in the night, she used the restroom and closed the door to my room, something I've never closed being single. I got up and walked right into the door and thought that's weird, why is the floor so slippery. Hmmmm, turned on the light and what do ya know, well at least my bag is empty now.
I keep a paper taped on the wall and write down when I have a cht spill. The list is still short, only 4 major spills and a couple of minors. But NO day-to-day leaks. I think being fat makes the wafer stick better, sounds good.
My thrills are the best, first and foremost is I'm alive, I walk and talk, and I have fun. I've seen the birth of two grandsons. I ride my dream bike. And here on this website, I have a host of friends who will tell me what life is all about. It's my mission to give back what I've learned. To be there for a friend. Sure, it's a thrill to ride around with no shirt on and get lots of stares, but that's just showing off. Thanks for your time.
bikerboy greg

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