Traveling with a Colostomy: Airport Security Experiences

Dec 16, 2011 4:58 pm

Prior to traveling recently, I printed out the UOA card that explains to security that I have a colostomy. Leaving Indianapolis was no problem; the security woman gently patted my bag and said, "Don't worry honey, we get this every day." Upon returning from Seattle, I handed my card to security and she immediately called for a female agent to do a private pat down. The two women took me to a private room where the agent gently patted me down. They then tested her gloves and my hands for explosives. I so wanted to make a joke about explosive diarrhea, but I know these people are serious. They also asked to see my colostomy bag, which I thought they weren't supposed to do, but not being shy, I gladly showed them. I thanked them for keeping us safe and went on my merry way. Have other people experienced problems when going through airport security?

ron in mich
Dec 16, 2011 5:52 pm

Hi Luv, yes, I had the same problem when I went to Alaska this year. No problem flying out of Green Bay, WI, but flying out of Anchorage, I was pulled aside for an extra pat-down. However, nobody seemed to want to do their job and basically snubbed the guy who had me step aside, which almost made me late for my flight as the boarding agent was doing the last call for me to board. Boy, was I ticked off.

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Dec 18, 2011 1:31 am

I recently flew to Texas, had no problem leaving Calgary, but when I refused to go through the body scanner in Houston, I had to have a pat-down. I requested a private room. It was no problem, and they were very professional about it.

Dec 19, 2011 4:39 am

You probably won't be bothered if you travel through major airports. No one bothered me when I visited New Mexico or even the Middle East in the past 18 months. I went right through the body scanners without any problems. I think the TSA folks in big cities get better training. Maybe. PB

Dec 19, 2011 3:36 pm
Thanks for the feedback! Did any of you have to show them your bag?

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Dec 19, 2011 3:46 pm

No one asked to see my bag; I thought that was bizarre that you were asked to show it.

Dec 20, 2011 1:38 am

I went on a trip around Thanksgiving, had to go through security four times. I went through the same routine as you on three of those times. I was pulled over to wait for another female officer or whatever they are and then taken to a private room. The patting down, the glove and hands checked, then asked to see the pouch. Always very polite and I very politely do show them my pouch. I've been on several other trips and usually at least one out of two times I get the treatment. They are only doing their job and it's to keep us safer, so what the heck.

Dec 20, 2011 5:54 am

Absolute invasion of privacy - flying can be a pain! I always clean myself before I go through, but if they get too personal, I always pray they will be staring at poop!!!

Dec 20, 2011 4:31 pm
I would have no problem showing my appliance. Think about it: it could be a perfect foil to smuggle in drugs, etc. You know, criminals aren't always young, or perfect in body. So why shouldn't we be questioned? I've read articles from older women who are terribly offended when patted down. I went through a Citizens Police Academy in my city, and learned a lot from it and have a new respect for police, etc. You can't judge a book by its cover for sure. So what's the big deal? I'm 67 as of yesterday. In June, I will have lived with an ileostomy for 40 years!YAY. So if they want to see my badge of honor -- my symbol of new life -- take a good look. I'd rather they keep us all safe.
Dec 20, 2011 9:55 pm
I've been asked to show my bag, too--no big deal. I wish I had been wearing the see through type at that time, but I wasn't. ;-)