
Jan 27, 2014 8:14 am

I used to write my poetry

before I had this ostomy.

Then, other things I could eschew

when that was all I had to do.

But when my operation came

For me it didn’t seem the same.

I felt so sorry for myself

my writing pad stayed on the shelf.

The ostomy took centre-stage

with nothing written on the page.

My motivation went downhill

for all the time that I was ill.

But it didn’t take too long

before I felt that this was wrong.

Then my active mind was asking

why was I not multi-tasking?

It’s not like this was new to me

for that was how I used to be

and if I multi-tasked before

I could multi-task some more.

So at myself I took a look

and off the shelf came my notebook

and then I wrote my poetry

whist tending to my ostomy.

But I’m convinced that the best bit

emerged with all the rest of it.

I realised that I could do

everything that I used to.

All of my negativity

made way for creativity.

So now I say when people ask

this is because I multi-task.

B. Withers 2014

Jan 28, 2014 12:27 am
LOL, great job. And pretty darn quick. You must be a super multi tasker!
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Jan 28, 2014 11:48 am
Hello Mrs A. Nowadays I've a need to capture the concept in the moment that it happens, otherwise I forget what the subject was and what I wanted to say about it. Sometimes that happens even in the middle of writing it. Oh! the joys of getting old!Best wishesBill