Hi there, all you stoma freaks!!
I had a conversation today with a fellow ostomate online (I don't know any in real life!!!)
The question of showering came up, and I said that when I change my bag, I do so in the shower. When I feel that little tingle around the stoma telling me that there is about one day of use remaining, I plan my change with my morning shower.
My bags, convex, will last up to five days. I know how lucky I am!!! I prepare two rings, washers, etc., and a bag beforehand, and lots of folded soft toilet tissue. I peel off the bag after emptying, and I simply shower as normal without the bag. I have a hairy belly, so this is the perfect opportunity to get a really close shave and get the skin under and around the bag smooth as a baby's butt. I use cocoa butter moisturizer and a little hair conditioner on my skin, and I get no razor rash or burn, no little pimples. I shave everything in the area as it is much easier to clean up if I have a leak.
The razor also takes off any residue left on the skin from the adhesive.
I will just stand there for 20 minutes and let the hot water flow over my stoma, and it feels so good to be free of the bag even for that short time. I soap up my hands with either shampoo or body wash and wash the whole stoma site with the palm of my hand, and this gets off any remaining adhesive and leaves a beautifully smooth surface for everything to stick to.
The person I spoke to had the impression that it was bad to get soap or shampoo, etc., on the stoma and it should be hurt by these products. I have been doing this for years, and I feel so much better after a shower. I never change without the shower unless it is an emergency.
Just in case any newbies have the wrong idea about showers or even baths without your bag, I thought I would write about my procedure. Early in the morning, even with a cup of coffee, your stoma should behave and give you some "quiet" time to sit in the tub before the eruptions begin hahaha
Rub-a-Dub-Dub, have fun in the tub,
Love and hugs to everyone...XX
Magoo aka Goo aka Mayoman aka etc., etc...................

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Returning to work after ostomy surgery should not be rushed.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.