Dealing with Skin Irritation After Removing Adhesive - Tips and Remedies

May 18, 2023 2:55 pm

When your skin turns red after removing adhesive. (I do use adhesive remover) What do you guys do for the itching and burning? Does Benadryl help? I also cut my stoma on the wafer and it bled profusely... I guess it's gonna be fine.
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May 18, 2023 3:41 pm

Does it turn red like this every time? Have you tried a different adhesive remover? Benadryl will help, but if this is an ongoing issue, I would try to change products. Sorry about the bloody stoma, they're sensitive little buggers.

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May 18, 2023 4:46 pm
Reply to CrappyColon

I know I barely knocked it and you would think I cut it off. I will try the Benadryl. Thank you for the help.

May 18, 2023 4:58 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

How long does it stay red like that?

May 18, 2023 5:15 pm

I have to stop putting the extenders on and in about a week it stops


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May 18, 2023 5:23 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

I don't normally use the extender thingies, but every once in awhile my cloth edge will start to come off, usually in the shower, and I'll put one on just for extra precaution until I change my bag. Those extender thingies make my skin itch and turn red too. Not quite as bad as yours, but I can still tell/see the difference. The Benadryl might help at the moment, but in my opinion, you'd be better off changing something with your setup. Who wants to continually take medication if you don't have to? &zwj

May 18, 2023 5:26 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

It takes a week for the redness to go away after taking off the extenders?

May 18, 2023 5:50 pm

It almost looks like more of a chemical burn to me than an allergic reaction. If I find it, I'll have to show you this picture of my daughter wrapped up like a mummy so they could figure out what was causing her skin reactions. Have you tried a Dombero soak on the area? It's an OTC. Not sure where you're from... I know places like Walgreens, Walmart have it around me.

May 18, 2023 6:41 pm

Press the red inflamed skin with your finger. If it stays red, chances are it's an allergic reaction to the adhesive. If so, the only way to solve the problem is to use another product.

If you can go a week without using extenders, do you have any problems with the flange coming unstuck when you're not using them? Just a thought to see if you really need them or they're just for peace of mind and help you feel confident in yourself.

May 18, 2023 6:51 pm

Kinda looks more like a reaction to the skin cleaner and prep to me. I found out early on that my skin reacts violently to the skin prep and the cleaner. Stopped using them altogether, appliances stay better, unless of course I have really loose stools for more than a day. The best thing I've found for the skin is almost any sugar scrub, not only helps clean, but also helps heal, I use a hemp-based brand (can't remember the name, typically the 'ol Wally World carries it)

May 18, 2023 9:28 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

The Benadryl may help with the itchy feeling but if it's a chemical 'burn' it's not going to make that redness go away. I think your skin is pretty ticked at whatever the ingredients in those extenders are. Have an ostomy nurse you can call to ask about different products?

May 19, 2023 4:24 am
Reply to RelaxedToaker

Yes, the crusting trick is a good one. However, I have suffered from repeated irritation, blisters, etc. under my ostomy pouch.
I have found the holy grail for me and would love to share!
I get the powder spray Lotrimin and when I change my pouch, I spray it all over- then pat it with my no-sting barrier wipes- it has worked wonders. Basically, for irritation I was told to use miconazole powder, which is used for athlete's foot and other lovely things. But the powder just falls off. The spray powder stays in place and gives a cooling sensation! Works great!

May 22, 2023 1:20 pm

I shower and wash the whole area with soap and water. I let the water cool down the itching. Jan 2010 was mine. When it has become inflamed, I've used Bactine. I've also used witch hazel and alcohol. But they dry out the skin and burn like hell for a few minutes. I've also used a vibrator to stimulate the area when I can't get a shower. Vibration I have found helps with the pain and itching.

May 22, 2023 1:22 pm

Also, do not use barrier removal stuff when taking off the pouch. I use adhesive spray, and while it's wet, I remove the appliance.

May 22, 2023 4:04 pm

As stated earlier, if it's constant, you may want to try a different remover or wafer.
I usually use Caladryl Clear and aloe for skin issues (sometimes Benadryl) and they work for me.
Good luck

May 22, 2023 5:52 pm

It looks like the 'barrier strips' are an issue as it looks more red where they would touch your skin? I only use them as a precaution when I go golfing just in case. Best wishes.

May 22, 2023 8:20 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

Have you tried stoma powder? If you use Benadryl, try a gel rather than cream or your barrier may not stick.

Also, I use pre-cut barriers so there are no rough edges to nick the stoma.

May 22, 2023 11:01 pm

I use warm water and a little Dove soap to take my adhesive tape off. Use warm water only on your stoma. Be very gentle because the stoma can bleed. When my skin is irritated, I use the powder and the wipes. See if that helps.

May 24, 2023 12:37 am

Hi there, skin looks very irritated :( I had an itchy, red rash from the beginning of time and have to take very good care of my skin for over 20 years. I am fine as long as I am diligent on every single appliance change!

Never use any products that contain alcohol!!! Wash skin gently with lukewarm water (no soap) and a soft cotton round (cotton ball). Use ConvaTec-Niltac to remove any stubborn leftover adhesive if necessary.
To get the rash under control initially, see a doctor or dermatologist to get a prescription for a topical steroid cream. Apply a very small thin layer and let it dry well (5 minutes) before applying anything else on top. Wrap the stoma with a bit of tissue to keep the skin dry while you wait. Long-term use of steroids thins the skin. I eventually replaced the steroid cream with a safer cream called Elidel 1% (Pimecrolimus). I use it every time I change the appliance for years now. It's important to put clothes on right away for the pressure to help the appliance adhere to the skin.
Until the rash is under control, apply Eakin Cohesive skin barrier after applying the steroid cream. Then apply the flange etc...

Once the rash is mostly improved and you are no longer using Eakin skin barriers, continue with prescription Elidel cream, then apply alcohol-free 3M Cavilon no sting barrier film, alcohol-free Coloplast Brava Strip Paste, Coloplast Easiflex Flange and Pouch.

Never change 2 days in a row as it is hard on the skin. I go 6 days between changes. If I get a small irritated spot, I will use zinc cream (diaper rash product) just on that little area. I find that heat, direct sun and too much sugar in my diet cause candida and flare the skin.

I sure hope something listed above helps you. I've been where you are and it is very painful and concerning. I no longer have this problem thanks to Elidel cream and alcohol-free products. Good luck :)

May 24, 2023 12:34 pm

I guess the question is whether it is a reaction to the adhesive or if it's from leaking stool or a fungus. For fungal issues, I've used Nystatin prescribed by a doctor. When I get stool-related redness and sores, I use Stomahesive powder and spray it around the area before using my barrier wipes. Stomahesive powder reacts to any moisture and helps heal. If you have an issue with the adhesive of the wafer, you may have to check out other brands to find one with a material for sensitive skin.

May 24, 2023 6:28 pm

Whenever the skin gets red (usually after a blowout), I use calamine lotion after I clean the area. I wait until it dries (maybe a minute) before I put the new pouch on. Works on me like a charm and never any problem with the adhesive from the pouch sticking to it. Hope that helps.

May 30, 2023 9:21 am
Reply to Redondo

I also use calamine lotion and after it has dried, I apply stoma powder. It definitely helps.

Jun 09, 2023 2:20 am
Reply to CrappyColon

I am from Greenville, SC. We do have Walgreens just around the corner. It only happens when I use the extenders, but not every time, and my wafer doesn't do that. I will try this next time. I have too many supplies of extenders to not use them up when I need. Sorry, I'm just seeing the rest of the responses... Thanks for your help.

Jun 09, 2023 2:24 am
Reply to Ben38

It's both. My weight has been up and down since my surgery. Right now it's up. And the skin fold is right where the top of the flange rests. So it will sometimes peel down a little and that freaks me out, lol.

Jun 09, 2023 2:28 am
Reply to kadhd

Not from a leak. Not sure about fungal. The wafer is just fine. I have no issues with it. I use Coloplast as I did have a reaction with Hollister.

Jun 09, 2023 2:36 am
Reply to LisaT1D

Thank you so much! That was a lot of great advice! I'm going to screenshot and make sure I stock up on what I don't have.
I don't know what it is about the pastes, but every time I try those it's a dumpster fire. It always sticks to my fingers, never where it's supposed to. I end up giving up so I can finish the bag change, and then it's like cement on my fingers, lol. Everything else I think I can do. I love the Eaken rings. I use them every time.

Jun 09, 2023 2:41 am
Reply to momsy777

Yeah, I really need the moldable wafers, not even sure Coloplast has those. I'm sure they cost a fortune. I have a slightly irregular shape. I'm sure I'm not the greatest at making the perfect cut. So I'm not sure precut will work.

Jun 12, 2023 3:10 pm

Throw the extender away or give them away, don't use them just because you have them. Get rid of them. Regards IGGIE

Jun 27, 2023 2:59 pm
Reply to Feb9HH

I had that kind of skin irritation and redness from the adhesive for the first few weeks. The stoma nurse recommended spraying the area lightly with Flonase and letting it dry before then applying stoma powder and a spray-on skin protectant. The Flonase has a steroid that soothes the redness and irritation well. I haven't had the redness and irritation under the adhesive since treating it in this way.