An accoutrement or prosthetic?

Aug 11, 2023 7:13 am


A stoma is an extra bit 
to help us cope with all our shit.
Just a bit of our colon 
protruding from our abdomen. 

How do we perceive this thing?
And what emotions does it bring? 
We know it’s artificial so
is it a friend or is it foe? 

Maybe we can’t assimilate
and feelings tend to oscillate
between a fond appreciation
or feeling some humiliation.  

As and when we’re reflective
many different perspectives
can spring to mind about our lot
and this appendage that we’ve got.

I use a glue for prosthetics
and so I felt the aesthetics
of my stoma would apply
to a prosthetic gone awry.

But yesterday I shared a thought 
about accoutrements which brought
a response from Terry who
had spent some time to think this through.

She felt ‘accoutrements’ described 
the stoma she had on her side,
and this perspective helped her to
a more positive point of view.

I like to think when said and done,
that you and me and everyone
who has a stoma can adjust 
in whatever way we must.

                                            B. Withers 2023

Aug 11, 2023 9:16 pm

Love it!

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Aug 12, 2023 6:49 am
Hello everyone.Thanks for all the 'likes' and thanks to Terry for a written comment as well. These 'like' ticks mean a lot because they indicate that people have indeed read and appreciated the rhymesOtherwise the effort of writing and the posting would be 'blind' as to whether it was worthwhile.Best wishes
Aug 13, 2023 5:45 pm
Reply to Bill

Your poetry is amazing and full of facts and humor, and I for one enjoy reading it. Thanks...

I found myself, however, wanting to express my feelings regarding this one on accouterments.

I always thought of accouterments
As referring to things I liked to eat
And therefore such a special treat

But Bill has opened up my eyes
With a suggestion I view it as
A better way to accessorize

Since my stoma was made for poo
It's difficult for me to think
Of it as other than a stink

The word accouterment for me
Should only mean mayonnaise
And memories of happier days

Although I must admit to all
Your poetry is full of humor
My stoma is but an ugly tumor

Submitted with humor and great respect. JB