No place for complacency

Sep 09, 2023 7:25 am


For years I’ve sussed this stoma game, 
and until now I think I’d claim
that I have got control of it 
and little bothers me with **it.

Every problem that I’ve had, 
has never really seemed too bad,
because I’ve solved it rapidly 
and moved along quite happily. 

In stoma life, there’s always been
some rituals, governed by routine,
which helped me overcome the strife
that otherwise might blight my life.

These rituals and routines are there
for me and other folks to share,
so we can live to be contented
and not have problems we lamented. 
If living with a stoma, we 
succumb to some complacency,
then we expect occasionally
it’ll end with a catastrophe.

A recent example of this,
where even I have come amiss,
was when my irrigation sleeve 
got so full you’d not believe.

So, nonchalantly, I began
to make my way towards the pan
to flush away that human waste,
but did so, in far too much haste.

The two piece sleeve became detached, 
and without warning it dispatched
its load all over everywhere 
and left me standing in despair. 

So, I thought I ought to share 
this story so you are aware.  

                            B. Withers 2021


Sep 09, 2023 9:34 pm

OMG Bill, poor you!!  I remember how big those sleeves are and the volume they carry.  Must have been quite the cleanup.  


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Sep 10, 2023 8:18 am

Hello Terry.

Yes! That incident was in the days when I was using the sleeves as provided by the manufacturers. The incident was the 'last straw' in that it was the motivation for making my own baseplates, which could be relied upon not to come off even when the sleeves or bags were full. 
I've not had any such problem since. 
Best wishes
