Ileostomy Reversal - 2 Weeks Post-Op Update and Gratitude

Sep 28, 2023 5:24 pm

Hello all: Just wanted to post a more positive note than my former entries. It's about 2 weeks now from my reversal and I am seeing improvement. The first week felt like a nightmare, but I'm able to sleep now and am allowed a teaspoon of Metamucil a day. That means fewer trips to the bathroom. I'm still on a BRAT diet with a few modifications for protein---a little chicken, salmon, eggs. I don't know how I'm going to train my body to have greater control over bowel movements but I'm anxious to start trying. My wound (site of the stoma) is healing well. I have some energy to perform light household tasks.

I'd like to thank all of you who responded to my earlier posts. I was feeling very upset and convinced that nothing was going to get better. Some of you offered very practical help and some of you offered words of encouragement. Thank you for taking time out of your lives to help.

Sep 28, 2023 5:32 pm

Great news and hopefully continued improvement each day and before you know it the whole ordeal will become just a foggy memory!!! Hugs and best wishes jb

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Mysterious Mose
Sep 28, 2023 6:52 pm

I am so glad to hear you are doing better. Your experience is one I am following with great interest, as I have 12 days before my ileostomy reversal. I am steeling myself for the worst and will be elated if it is at least somewhat better than that! :-))

Please keep us apprised. Thanks!


Sep 28, 2023 6:55 pm

Excellent news. The first few weeks are always the hardest.

Keep us posted about your progress. It will inspire others.

Sep 28, 2023 7:17 pm

Thanks for sharing the parts of your journey thus far that have been difficult. It's helpful for others to know recoveries look different for everyone and 'one size' doesn't fit all. Have you asked your doctor for a referral for pelvic floor therapy? The bad day posts are appreciated as well as the positive reports too :)


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Morning glory
Sep 28, 2023 8:13 pm

I am happy to see that you are getting stronger by the day. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory.

Mysterious Mose
Sep 28, 2023 9:20 pm

Hi Knitter. There is one question I haven't seen an answer for. Maybe I missed it somewhere. Do you have any part of a colon left? How about the rectum? Was a J-pouch used, or was your surgeon able to attach directly to the rectum? These are things I am quite interested in, as my own time approaches. I have no colon at all, but have an intact rectum.

Just trying to keep my anxiety at a manageable level. :-)

