Wax Ring/Barrier Ring… Help!

Dec 30, 2023 9:39 pm

Hello, I am wondering what tricks or tips you all have for me with applying the barrier ring/wax ring. I have tried to put it on the wafer… doesn't seem to get close enough to my stoma. I have tried cutting it and putting it around my oblong stoma… I will get it perfect, but when I pull my fingers away… it moves the ring… :/ I am wondering what things have been successful for everyone here.
And prior to asking: I have an ileostomy still healing from surgery; I have to use the ring. I cut my wafer 1/8” wider so my stoma has room to expand without injuring her; she's 25mm x 33mm approximately… been using Hollister one pieces, and trying Coloplast one pieces.
I have been having to change every day or every other day due to leakage. Also been using stoma powder and skin barrier pads… I have open sores where my stitches are that occasionally bleed. So I'm trying to get those healed…

Ty, Rhonda

Dec 30, 2023 9:47 pm

Hi Rhonda,

Perhaps you should try using a two-piece appliance. It's much easier to gauge where you're putting the wafer so you can get a good fit. I use 3M Cavilon Barrier Film and, when it's totally dry, apply the Eakin Seal next, making sure it's tight against my stoma. I don't push down hard on it so it doesn't stick to my hand. I just set it in place. Then I carefully put on the wafer, making sure it is right in place with the seal. Then I apply pressure all around. This works well for me, even with my stoma that pulls a bit under my skin when it's working.

Good luck!!

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Dec 30, 2023 11:09 pm

I use 3M Cavilon swab barrier film. Let it dry. Then it's ring time.

I take it out of its plastic container, keeping the two thin plastic covers on. Then put the ring under an arm or between my legs to warm it up for a minute. Then peel off the plastic covers. Use scissors to cut through one side of the ring. Put on nitrile gloves. I squeeze and gently stretch the ring along its entire length, starting in the middle. Beginning at the stoma bottom, and at the center of the ring, I fit the ring around my stoma. The ends of the ring come together at the stoma top. Small gap? I gently pull back each ring side, squeeze and stretch a little more, then refit it. It's OK to have the ring ends overlap. I lightly press gloved fingers on the ring to seat it.

The wafer goes on next. I cut a larger than necessary hole, letting the ring do the main sealing.

Dec 31, 2023 7:48 pm

You can also heat up one side of the ring with a hair blower and then put that side against your skin. I think it sticks better and won't pull away as you remove your fingers from the ring.

Jan 01, 2024 8:38 pm

I use a Salts ring, found them to last the longest. The ring is a little larger than I need, so I fold it over a bit to get my size, squeeze the fold down, and cut off any excess. I find it easier to do this than stretching out a smaller one. I fit the ring, then use an empty tape spool as a steamroller over the backing to set the ring. If you do not use the backing between the spool and ring, the spool will pull off the ring.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 02, 2024 12:10 pm

G'day Justme, why don't you try these ring seals from "Salts"? That's the name of the company. They will send you samples; just ring them. As you can see, there is a very soft collar, and it directs the poo forward, so it helps to stop leaks. You have to measure the diameter of the stoma and order the seal by your size. Mine is 29 mm in diameter, so I order DC29. Regards, IGGIE
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Jan 03, 2024 1:10 am
Reply to IGGIE


Thanks for your recommendation.
My stoma is oblong and sticks out about 0.5” so I don't think it would work for me. I think stool would pool in the collar and leak down.
I wish it was something I could see working.

Jan 03, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to JustMeRLB

Are you using a convex wafer? If not, give it a go. I swear by them. Regards, IGGIE

Jan 03, 2024 6:39 pm
Reply to IGGIE

I have 2 samples I will try. So far, I caked really well, using spray Cavilon with a wax ring, and I think I'm okay right now. Day 2 and everything seems tight.