Colonoscopy with a Colostomy Bag: Seeking Advice on Enema Procedure

Mar 02, 2024 9:07 pm

Hello my Osteomates! I am scheduled for a colonoscopy on Monday. No bowel prep needed, but I have to do an enema through the rectum in the morning. Has anyone had to do one with the bag? I did chat with the NP at my doc's office as to what to expect. She indicated the liquid would likely just expel out and I may feel like I need to have a bowel movement. Kind of nervous about this... Hoping someone here has first-hand experience with doing an enema with the ostomy bag on.


Night owl
Mar 02, 2024 9:19 pm

I've had several with my colostomy but always had to do the bowel prep. They went in through the stoma, no different really. I have a rectal stump, and they explore that as well. Make sure to take an extra set of supplies. Good luck!

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Mar 02, 2024 10:40 pm

I have also had many but had to use the prep & they go through my stoma (colostomy). I've had to have a flex-sig for evaluation of the rectum and had to use an enema for that prep and it hasn't been a problem. But yes, bring extra supplies with you.

Mar 03, 2024 2:14 am

I had one when I had my colostomy. I was anxious beforehand, but it turned out to be no big deal. I was sedated. When I woke up, it turns out I had only been asleep for 15 minutes, but you feel like you've had the greatest night of sleep in your life. No discomfort from the stoma, and the intestines worked fine afterward.

Mar 04, 2024 8:47 pm

Hello my friends,

I am pleased to report that the colonoscopy went well! The enema in the morning was very uncomfortable, but I managed. They did not do an enema through the ostomy. Bag change ended up not being necessary. I do have a stricture in a part of my colon; the doctor said she had to switch to a pediatric scope. The doctor is optimistic the reversal surgery will proceed as planned. But she did give me all the scenarios. I will know more on Thursday after my dye study test.

Oh my, that enema was really uncomfortable! I managed through it, but wow, just wow. I thought my butt was going to pop out. LOL

Appreciate y'all so much!


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Broken Pipes
Mar 28, 2024 5:34 am

Hi, I am a little curious how the bowel prep works with a stoma. From my recent experience with the prep with no stoma yet, it's like a waterfall every 10 minutes. Does the stoma bag fill that often and do you empty? Just leave the bag open and let it flow? With my condition, I had to do 2 days of bowel prep and it was miserable!

Apr 23, 2024 7:15 pm
Reply to Broken Pipes

Hello, I had a bowel prep with my stoma - I had to do it the day before my reversal surgery. My wound nurse ordered me an extra-large drainable bag - it had a tap on it, so I didn't have to constantly drain and clean a smaller bag. And for sleeping, there was long tubing provided that hooked up to the tap and drained into a larger bag so I could get some sleep without running to empty my drainable bag during the night! You can ask a wound nurse to order those supplies, or your bag company may send them free - Hollister shipped the items directly to me per her request. I don't know what I would have done without that high-capacity bag!

Apr 23, 2024 10:31 pm
Reply to DexieB

Hi Dexie,

I did not have to do a bowel prep, but I will say the enema was such an awful feeling! I have had two further tests, each requiring enemas. Oh my, not sure how I survived. But I did! I felt like my butt was going to drop out of the bottom. My poor boyfriend heard me in the bathroom groaning. He told me later he heard me, just wasn't sure what to do to help. Thankfully for my reversal surgery, no enema or prep required.

Apr 24, 2024 12:34 am
Reply to Kimmy050263

Hey, I was sending that comment to Broken Pipes. He was wondering if anyone has had a bowel prep with a stoma!

I am glad to hear you won't need a prep… not sure why I had to have one then! You are lucky! 🍀