Why hasn't anyone created an ostomates cookbook?

Mar 08, 2024 6:11 pm

Why hasn't anyone thought to make an ostomates cookbook? And a sub-cookbook specifically for ileostomates...


Mar 08, 2024 6:26 pm

Coloplast has one. Go to their website to find it. I posted it here also; find it in Premium content.

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Mar 08, 2024 6:26 pm

Now's your chance to fill this niche - waiting for your input, Lee




Mar 08, 2024 6:57 pm

Because everyone eats different stuff and in various forms, what's good for one may not be good for another. Would you post a recipe that you like and can tolerate, find out someone tried it and got a blockage and ends up in the hospital? I'd feel pretty bad if I did that to someone because they “read” it was okay.

Past Member
Mar 08, 2024 11:36 pm

There is an Ileostomy Diet Cookbook on Amazon -


Quite a selection on Abe Books (which will be cheaper than Amazon - even though Abe is owned by them - go figure!) -


And on the Cook for Your Life website, there is an ileostomy section of recipes.


Bon appétit! 🍝🍴🥂🥳✨


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Mar 09, 2024 1:44 am

Well, okay, I stand corrected. There do seem to be some cookbooks out there. But as was said, not everything works for everyone, so I wonder how they came upon the recipes that are in the cookbooks. I think with any cookbook there will be some recipes that you will want to try and some that you will not. I have about 30 cookbooks at my house, and I know I would not make every recipe in every book. I guess I didn't know there were ileostomy cookbooks out there. I was just thinking that I never heard of one. They must not be very well advertised. I guess it is like most things ostomy-related; it might be out there, but you have to know what you are looking for to find it. It's like even people in the health field don't know much about ostomies. My GP doesn't know anything about them; I think I must be her only patient with one. It just gets me down sometimes.


Mar 09, 2024 11:27 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

That's why relying on a generic "ostomate" cookbook won't work, or even an 'ileostomate' cookbook... because what you need to eat depends on how much bowel you have left, and whether it's all small bowel, colon, or one of the many combos of both. Hydration is the same way... if I followed the Hollister video on hydration that you see all the time on here, I'd be dead by now. I even sent them an email explaining the error of their ways, but ultimately they're trying to sell ostomy supplies, so I doubt they'll listen. But the point here is that what's good for one ostomate may be very wrong for another. And it's a bit irresponsible of the authors of such books if they don't clearly say that in big letters right at the beginning of their books. If you Google any condition, you can find multiple diets for it, but again, you have to consider what else is going on and if any such diet is actually good for your specific situation. If that makes sense.


Mar 10, 2024 10:03 pm
Reply to w30bob

I know it is a very individual thing, diet and hydration. My dietitian said that I should be drinking 2 gallons of fluid a day. I tried, but I just can't drink that much. I just thought that it would be cool to have some kind of suggestion of recipes, and then I could pick from them the ones that sound yummy and would work for me. I guess that would be true of any cookbook. I just thought it would be neat to see what they would put in an ileostomy cookbook.


Mar 10, 2024 10:54 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

2 gallons!!! Are you sure she didn't mean 2 liters? An average woman should drink about 2.5 liters a day... 2 gallons and you'll float away!


Mar 11, 2024 1:25 am
Reply to w30bob

She said there is a formula that is your height and weight and something else. I can't remember what, but she plugged it all in and said 2 gallons. I use a 32 oz bottle that I drink from all day, and I fill it up 2 times, and she said I should be filling it up 4 times. The thing is, I have low sodium, and if I drink a lot, I could actually make that worse. So when I do fill up my bottle, I use an electrolyte drink and a bottle of water mixed. Yesterday, I got up to 3 times of filling up my bottle, and I really spent more time peeing than I think is really necessary. I wonder if she is trying to literally flush me out!

Mar 11, 2024 1:59 am
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Hi Infinity,

32 oz is a liter, so if you drank 4 of those per day that would be 1 gallon, not 2. That's still a lot to drink... maybe she's wanting to keep your kidneys working well. The rule of thumb you're referring to is probably the "take half your body weight, and drink that amount in ounces of water." So if you weigh 100 lbs you'd be drinking 50 oz or around 1 1/2 liters... 125 lbs would be 63 oz or 2 liters... and 150 lbs would be 75 oz or 2 1/3 liters. You might want to call her and find out what she's thinking by making you drink so much.


Mar 11, 2024 8:30 pm
Reply to w30bob

You're right, that's 1 gallon. I don't know what I was thinking. It's still a lot to drink in a day. I have stage 2 kidney disease, so she might be thinking that. I am not sure. I have only seen her 2 times so far, so I am not sure yet what she is doing. She hasn't looked at my meal sheets yet, so she is still probably trying to figure me out. I don't know. She just said what I should be drinking. I just don't know if I can do it. I have been trying to do it, but I often have to absolutely stop at 3 fill-ups.

Mar 11, 2024 8:45 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Hello, IC,


I too find it hard to drink [lots] - particularly water.

OK with other things: juices, perry, tea, wine, etc. - but water I find lands 'heavy' ..... BUT KEEP ON SIPPING IC - I know I should at least drink in excess of three liters of fluid daily ..... but it's a struggle [OK in carbonated form and in the outdoors, etc. .... but as a daily winter thing - that's the challenge.

Perhaps mull some wine with spices, OJ, and muscovado sugar ...... now THAT I CAN drink in quantity - part of autumn and winter chill ....... "Cheers".............. good for the heart in many ways too!


Keep on trucking






Here's one for that elusive cookbook ........... [can substitute sugar if diabetic obviously] ..... and I guess alcohol-free 'vino' might do ;-)

Ratio: Bottle of Merlot / add 50% OJ and 50% water - mulling spices [to include cinnamon - Schwartz do good premade bags you can drop in if you don't fancy making up your own] ..... and a good dollop of light muscovado sugar [the dark overpowers I find] .... bring slowly to SIMMER [don't boil] ...... and bingo .... [add brandy for extra special warmth if desired ..... and don't use the extra good Merlot - keep that pure [and obviously you may prefer the brandy separate - for I would never dream of polluting a good one - same with single malt whiskies too]


Keep warm and consume freely ....... It helps to keep 'hydrated' - albeit with "no or some" alcohol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Mar 11, 2024 9:37 pm
Reply to Jayne

Interesting recipe. Yeah, water on its own is not really fun to drink. I usually add something to it for flavor, either juice or electrolyte beverages. Water on its own just has no flavor and it just is no fun. I get to count toward my liquid intake things like milk, protein drinks, and I think she said I can count jello. Weird. I just switched to skim milk and I hate it. It tastes like water to me. I was drinking 1% and before that 2%. So skim is a lot thinner. Only good for cereal, not for drinking. However, I want to get healthy and the dietitian said skim milk is best. So I am trying hard.


Mar 11, 2024 9:42 pm

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May 05, 2024 2:12 pm
Reply to w30bob

It may have been 2 gallons. I have about 2/3 of a small intestine left and no large intestine. That leaves much less room and time in which to absorb liquid. I have no idea how much I drink per day, but I enjoy lots of flavored herbal teas and I often flavor water with a little bit of juice or sugar-free soda.