Tips to Get Fabric on Base Plate Without Wrinkles?

Apr 03, 2024 6:52 pm

I have been struggling with wrinkles in the fabric of the base plate. If I unstick it to pull it up, I lose adhesive ability. Any tips?
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Apr 03, 2024 7:26 pm

Smooth as you go; that is, smooth as you begin pulling away the paper. Sometimes it still wants to gather at the end. I eventually learned to take all the paper off and then place the baseplate down. Works really well for me. I have had to lift the fabric in the past. When doing that, I would put down a little skin tac to ensure the fabric would adhere again.


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Apr 03, 2024 7:27 pm

Do you sit or lie down? You could try flange extenders and just cover it up.

Apr 03, 2024 8:43 pm
Reply to aTraveler

Thank you! I didn't know that was a thing. I heard the name, but I thought it was another name for the paste between the barrier and bag that some use.

Apr 03, 2024 8:43 pm
Reply to xnine

Sit. I can try that, yes.


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 03, 2024 9:04 pm

I just have to be very careful. Take your time. Remove all paper first and carefully put it on while watching in the mirror. Sometimes it's still going to go on wrinkled as we forget to take things slow and be careful.

Apr 03, 2024 10:38 pm

1) Stand up

2) Start at the bottom and use both hands to pull the fabric tight as you work your way up each side

3) At the top, you can usually finish it off by just pushing it down with one finger

4) Rub your finger/hand around the fabric surface to seal it down completely

5) A little wrinkle here/there isn't worth stressing over


Apr 04, 2024 2:42 am

I use Hollister 2-piece.

I hold the wafer against my stomach (side opposite my stoma) for a minute to warm it up. My stoma is oblong and tilted. The wafer hole has to roughly match it, so I always have the mm side to my left.

I align the wafer so the mm side faces left, then pull off the plastic backing.

Fold the wafer fabric sides outward, away from my body.

Place the wafer onto the stoma.

Press the top fabric tape section to my skin.

Press the bottom fabric tape section to my skin.

Lightly pull down the right side paper tape backing. Align and press this tape section to the skin.

Lightly pull down the left side paper tape backing. I have a parastomal hernia, so my left stoma side bulges out. I pull the fabric tape taut and apply it to my skin lightly. Big creases I smooth out as best I can. Then I firmly press the fabric tape into place. I use a fingernail to tamp down creases.

I usually end up with 2 big creases and a few small ones.

I hold the wafer down with both hands for a couple of minutes. Snap on the bag and I'm done.

Creases don't cause any problems. I change the wafer every 7 days.


Apr 04, 2024 1:37 pm

I use the Hollister base with paper tabs on the two sides. I start with the paper tabs to my left and right and the adhesive top and bottom, press the top first and smooth it out then the bottom. I now peel the paper off the left side and pull it evenly and smooth it down. Now peel the paper off the right side and smooth that down. Now run your fingers all around the base, pushing as you go. Now place the bag onto the base plate. Once it is all connected, place your hand over all of it and let the heat of your hand do the final adhesion. Before I place the base plate on, I spray a light mist of Welland Barrier Spray and let it dry; this really helps it all stick together. Now put the base on as described above. Good luck. Regards, IGGIE

Apr 05, 2024 1:10 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Looks like we do the same procedure, BB. I very rarely get a crease. Hope you're having a great day, my friend. Regards, IGGIE