Noisy wind is probably caused by the walls of the stoma vibrating when the wind is exiting (think of a whoopy cushion or balloon when the exit is stretched).
I found that stoma plugs completely cured this problem. However, I understand that they have now been withdrawn from the market, which isn't very helpful.
There are various DIY devices that I have tried in the past, which imitate the stoma plugs and keep the passage open for the wind to pass through.
The best of these involved adapting a Vicks nasal spray so that the screw-on the outside section can be cut and act as a nut to hold a washer/wafer so that the device doesn't disappear into the stoma. The second essential is to fill the tube with cotton wool (or something similar) so that the walls of the stoma don't migrate into the open hole in the end of the device., yet it still lets the wind out.
Of course. I should have said at the outset, that this will probably only work if one is irrigating, otherwise output will probably push the device out quite quickly.
I do hope you manage to find a solution to your problem and I still have one or two Coloplast stoma plugs spare if you wanted to try that method just to see if it works for you. If so, just message me with your address and I'll send you a couple.
Best wishes