Is 17 Days Too Soon to Return to Work Post-Ileostomy Reversal?

Jun 13, 2024 1:20 pm

Tomorrow I have my ileostomy reversal. My surgeon has me scheduled to go back to work on Monday, July 1st. I do have a desk job and work remotely, but is 17 days, including surgery day, too soon? I'm nervous since I had a hernia about two weeks after my initial stoma surgery (4/1/24). I understand that there is a risk for the reversal and sitting up for 8 hours so soon after makes me worried. I asked for longer, but he said it wouldn't be necessary and since I am not a surgeon, I didn't push. I'd love to hear the thoughts here as I am getting extremely anxious about tomorrow and the after surgery.


Surgery has been completed and I am now recovering in the hospital. The surgeon never came to see me at all afterwards to give me details on the surgery itself.

I also received a full dinner. I looked up if you can eat solid foods hours after a reversal and every website and even other hospitals say it's clear liquids followed by thicker foods such as mashed potatoes and then, after a couple of weeks, solid foods. I am sitting in the hospital right now with a tray of rotisserie chicken on the bone, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, carrots, and a chocolate whoopie pie! Seriously, everything on the “What not to eat” list.
I asked to speak with the nutritionist and was told they would need an order from the surgeon before they can send one.

I feel like this is all wrong, and after my initial stoma surgery, I had complications with a strangulation hernia that caused me to also need a binder.
This feels so wrong and I'm unsure how to get through the night without even knowing what went on during the surgery. Was everything great? I just feel stuck and don't know what to do next.

Jun 13, 2024 2:25 pm

That seems a little too soon. Why is he not giving you more time? Regards, IGGIE

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Past Member
Jun 13, 2024 2:53 pm

I don't understand. Since when did it become your surgeon's call when you go back to work? Surely, that's your call and yours only.

Mysterious Mose
Jun 13, 2024 4:26 pm
Reply to Anonymous

Not as long as the health insurance cartel has control. If your doctor tells them you can go back to work, you're screwed. Unless you're self-employed, that is, or have a fair-minded employer.

Jun 13, 2024 6:17 pm

Remember, the surgery that got you here is the same surgery that is going to get you there. Ask yourself, "How did I get here?"


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Jun 13, 2024 7:11 pm

Hello, I also feel that it is a little soon. Everyone is different, but my surgeon said I would need 6-8 weeks off for my reversal on January 30, 2024 (also had a hernia repaired during the reversal) - I have a desk job. I found I needed the whole 8 weeks off. I definitely would ask for more time off - but that's just me. Best of luck with your reversal!

Jun 13, 2024 9:32 pm

17 days return to work after reversal?? Agreed way too short a time. But tell us pls, what control or convincing do u have over him? 

What is his experience? Credentials.

I'm sorry but he sounds like a dick.  You may need another drs opinion.   or a lawyer. Or both. This doctor is on drugs. Whats he thinking? U need a sit down face to face. 2- 3 month min. Providing there are no hiccups in recovery.

My dr asked  me abt time off. He was cool. Willing to work wiyh me. 

Jun 14, 2024 8:29 am



Wishing you a successful reversal.

Since a reversal is very different from getting an ostomy, you're going to need more time off.

Reversal has two parts:

A) Joining the intestines together.

B) The intestinal system has to begin functioning again.

It could take a while before your system returns to normalcy. And you will be recuperating from surgery at the same time. That's a lot to deal with while trying to work too.

I returned to work three weeks after seven hours of surgery, resulting in a permanent colostomy. It was hard going back so soon. I ended up going back to the hospital for a couple of days.


ron in mich
Jun 14, 2024 12:16 pm

Hi Ostomat, is it going to be fully open or laparoscopic surgery? The recovery time is different depending on the type of surgery and if you are in better shape, healthier than before the previous surgery. Good luck.

Jun 14, 2024 4:07 pm
Reply to ron in mich

Good point, Ron. A couple of holes versus the long zigzag cut.

Jun 14, 2024 10:58 pm
Reply to warrior

I am now recovering, and the doctor never came to see me afterwards to give me details on the surgery itself. I also received a full dinner. I looked up whether you can eat solid foods hours after a reversal, and every website and even other hospitals say it's clear liquids followed by thicker foods such as mashed potatoes, and then after a couple of weeks, solid foods. I am sitting in the hospital right now with a tray of rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, carrots, and a chocolate whoopie pie!
I asked to speak with the nutritionist and was told they would need an order from the doctor before they can send one.

I feel like this is all wrong, and after my initial stoma surgery, I had complications with a strangulation hernia that caused me to also need a binder. This feels so wrong, and I'm unsure how to get through the night without even knowing what went on during the surgery. Was everything great? I just feel stuck and don't know what to do.

Jun 14, 2024 11:01 pm
Reply to IGGIE

He feels it's a simple surgery and made me feel like I was trying to get out of working, which is so far from reality. I love my job and the full paycheck that comes with it; I'm certainly not trying to continue to receive a “portion of my pay” with STD that just rolled to long term.

I am now recovering, and the doctor never even came to see me at all afterwards to give me details on the surgery itself. I also received a full dinner. I looked up if you can eat solid foods hours after a reversal, and every website and even other hospitals say it's clear liquids followed by thicker foods such as mashed potatoes, and then after a couple of weeks, solid foods. I am sitting in the hospital right now with a tray of rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, carrots, and a chocolate whoopie pie!
I asked to speak with the nutritionist and was told they would need an order from the doctor before they can send one.

I feel like this is all wrong, and after my initial stoma surgery, I had complications with a strangulation hernia that caused me to also need a binder. This feels so wrong, and I'm unsure how to get through the night without even knowing what went on during the surgery. Was everything great? I just feel stuck and don't know what to do.

Jun 14, 2024 11:27 pm
Reply to Anonymous

He completed the medical FMLA/STD paperwork and said that's the maximum he's going to sign off on unless I have any complications like the original surgery (ER, so I actually didn't pick him; he was there when my abscess ruptured). I don't understand how he can be okay sending me back to work in 17 days (including today).

Jun 14, 2024 11:29 pm
Reply to DexieB

Yes, this is exactly what I feel is reasonable to give our bodies the right amount of time to heal in the right way to prevent future issues!

Jun 14, 2024 11:30 pm
Reply to warrior

This surgeon denied the request I asked for, which lasted longer than 17 days including today, unless I have any complications.

I am now recovering, and the doctor never came to see me at all afterwards to give me details on the surgery itself. I also received a full dinner. I looked up whether you can eat solid foods hours after a reversal, and every website and even other hospitals say it's clear liquids followed by thicker foods such as mashed potatoes, and then after a couple of weeks, solid foods. I am sitting in the hospital right now with a tray of rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, carrots, and a chocolate whoopie pie!
I asked to speak with the nutritionist and was told they would need an order from the doctor before they can send one.

I feel like this is all wrong, and after my initial stoma surgery, I had complications with a strangulation hernia that caused me to also need a binder. This feels so wrong, and I'm unsure how to get through the night without even knowing what went on during the surgery. Was everything great? I just feel stuck and don't know what to do.

Jun 14, 2024 11:32 pm
Reply to ron in mich

I wish I could tell you which type I had.

I am now recovering, and the doctor never came to see me at all afterwards to give me details on the surgery itself. I also received a full dinner. I looked up if you can eat solid foods hours after a reversal, and every website and even other hospitals say it's clear liquids followed by thicker foods such as mashed potatoes, and then after a couple of weeks, solid foods. I am sitting in the hospital right now with a tray of rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, carrots, and a chocolate whoopie pie!
I asked to speak with the nutritionist and was told they would need an order from the doctor before they can send one.

I feel like this is all wrong, and after my initial stoma surgery, I had complications with a strangulation hernia that caused me to also need a binder. This feels so wrong, and I'm unsure how to get through the night without even knowing what went on during the surgery. Was everything great? I just feel stuck and don't know what to do.

Jun 14, 2024 11:44 pm

Ostomato, Wow that is total incompetence on your sugeons part, he sounds like an idiot, Full meal, thats crazy Take care and wishing you all the best.

Jun 15, 2024 7:39 am

I'm amazed. You don't know if you had laparoscopic or regular open surgery? You didn't discuss this with the surgeon?

I hope you didn't eat that dinner!

Are you at a regular hospital or an HMO type?

You need to understand... YOU must be your own advocate. You MUST speak up for yourself. To the hospital, nurses, and doctors... you're just another patient. But this is you, and your life. You should have known exactly why you were getting reversal surgery and what type of surgery it would be.

Ask for a copy of the surgical notes and all your test and scan results. Read them carefully. Write down questions to ask your surgeon. If your surgeon does not follow up with you, ask to speak with the head nurse or your hospital case manager. Tell them your concerns.

Recovery will take a while. Does the company you work for have their own disability insurance carrier like AFLAC or similar? If so, call them and explain your situation. They should be able to extend your medical leave. It's what I did after my surgery.



Jun 15, 2024 7:43 am

Thank you for all the well wishes! I am counting on confronting the surgeon this morning, as I was promised he would see me today (nurses put in the request as they were dumbfounded by my dinner tray of a full chicken dinner being brought out of surgery after only a few hours). I'm going to tell him to add a visit from the nutritionist to my chart, as he apparently is clueless. Plus, I have no idea how my surgery went other than a large iodine-filled patch where my ileostomy used to be. This cannot be the norm when it comes to this type of surgery, based on all of your feedback plus my own gut feeling and researching online.

Jun 15, 2024 12:13 pm
Reply to Ostomato

U might have the wrong dinner ! Could it be the previous patients order of food? I had that happen many times due to miscommunication with staff. So that could the first reason u have the wrong food being delivered.

Secondly, if this is actually the food ordered by yur colon surgeon, he needs a smack upside his head.

U be smart about this. Talk to him. Get his ass at bedside now.  He is showing a bad..very bad bed side manner.  

If he never went into details about what he planned to do to you, i'd say u got a bad surgeon.  How'd u find this ass- clown?  Seriously, u gotta force him to explain things. Which isn' t right at all.  Also...u can get the hospital adim. Involved. They have patient advocates and assistance if yur feeling not heard on issues.

I think you are in a bad place, hospital and doctor wise. 

Sorry u got me stressed out as much as u are. I feel for u. Patients have rights. It says so on a poster in your room. 

Go exercise your rights. 


Jun 15, 2024 2:10 pm

This sounds like a nightmare, you have a dickhead for a Surgeon and he is playing with your health and well being. You have to demand seeing someone in power to get a longer period of recuperation and report the lack of care you have been getting.  Don't think Surgeons are like God, they are just human beings that can make mistakes and big ones at times. Remember the saying, "What's the difference between a Surgeon and GOD, GOD doesnt think hes a Surgeon." Regards IGGIE

Mysterious Mose
Jun 15, 2024 3:17 pm
Reply to Ostomato

Chicken dinner hours after ostomy surgery? Is this indicative of what is happening with Florida healthcare? Sorry for the slightly political comment, but that is the height of incompetence, and I trust it is an anomaly.

Jun 16, 2024 11:40 pm

Everyone here is right. I hope you are feeling better now that you are at home and recovering in your own surroundings. How are you? What have the first few days been like for you?

Jun 17, 2024 2:11 pm

Hello. I was able to eat a full meal the next day, but the same day seems a little soon...

From what I remember, I had to keep liquids down, then I believe I moved to soft foods later the same day. I had a BM the same day of surgery - so that was enough for them to move me to a 'regular diet' the next day.

I hope you are recovering well.