Life After Colostomy Reversal and Hernia Repair - What to Expect

Aug 22, 2024 6:08 am

Dealing with a colostomy bag I got in surgery in May. Dr said in January to make an appointment for a reversal. Will I be able to go back to normal living like lifting things, etc.? What should I expect? I developed a hernia where my stoma is. It doesn't hurt at all. Dr said yesterday at my visit that he would fix it when I have my reversal done. Will I be my old self again or will I always need to be careful?

I was also told I'll need a separate procedure before the reversal where they put a scope in my stoma to ascertain how much I've healed. Is this true?

Aug 22, 2024 11:36 am

It sounds like your doctor is doing the right thing by making sure you've healed before attempting reversal. I had to wait a few extra months before mine. Not sure about the hernia stuff - I'm sure folks who've had experience with this will chime in.

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Aug 22, 2024 6:33 pm

As with any surgery, it takes time to heal and recover, but all going well, then yes, you should be back to normal post-surgery, but it can take anything from 3 to 12 months.

I too had a hernia before my stoma reversal and, as promised, the surgeon fixed it when closing the stoma. Trust your surgeon; in my experience, they generally don't make false promises.

As for the examination before reversal to ascertain the healing, it's a standard and straightforward procedure, nothing to worry about at all!

Aug 23, 2024 2:27 am

eab3691, I had my reversal just done just over a year ago and can only speak of my own journey. Yes, you will get back to normal, but it will take time. It has only been over the last few months I have been comfortable splitting wood with a heavy block splitter and only 8 to 10 hard hits at a time. But before my surgeries, I would do a whole winter's supply over 3 days.

I read somewhere that 30% of people get a hernia after reversal within the first 5 years, so take it easy. Listen to the surgeon's advice and follow it, but most of all, listen to your own body. My weakest place is where the old stoma site was; it still does not feel as strong as I would like. Also, I have not returned to work yet. But I am a stonemason, and it's heavy, hard work.

Aug 23, 2024 4:02 pm

Hmm. I was told after getting a hernia repair that lifting was off limits—none of it possible. So you better check on returning to work.

I fear getting mine fixed would force retirement or disability.

Fudge that. It might be broken, but it isn't hurting me.

I'm not going to fix it either. Talk to folks here about hernia repair afterwards. It's no joke.


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