Eliminating Toilet Bowl Odor with Pooph

Mysterious Mose
Aug 31, 2024 9:01 pm

Given that I have an ileostomy, dealing with toilet bowl odor is a constant task. For a while, I was using a bleach cleaner spray and bowl brush after every dump. But all that does is replace the lingering odor of shit with the lingering odor of bleach. Then, I ditched the bleach and got out the bottle of Pooph I bought some time back. After I flush, I use the bowl brush while the tank is filling. Once it stops, I give a few healthy sprays of Pooph and voila! The odor is gone. Don't know why I didn't try that sooner!


Aug 31, 2024 9:09 pm

I don't get using the bowl brush each time. 🤷‍♂️ If you flush and empty while the water is going down, it takes nearly all the waste away, so there is no/very little output to “stink the place up.”

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Mysterious Mose
Aug 31, 2024 9:20 pm
Reply to AlexT

Do that for a couple of days and then use a clean toilet brush and scrub the sides with just the water in the bowl. Notice the water turn a light brown. Flushing does not do a good job of cleaning the bowl. That's why they sell all those tablets to drop in the tank. That residue will eventually give off a noticeable odor. At least it does for me and my diet.


Aug 31, 2024 10:51 pm

Hi D,

I'm lucky in that my shit doesn't stink. My bowels are too short to allow it to even begin to ferment. My only thoughts here are related to the toilet itself. Every toilet is a bit different in how it rinses the bowl with each flush. Some do a much better job than others. Not saying yours isn't one of the better ones, but you'd really be surprised by the difference between the best and the worst. You might want to investigate and see if there's a toilet out there that cleans itself better than yours. Consumer Reports might have some good info, but not sure. Asking your local plumbers wouldn't hurt either.

For those that want to rid the bathroom of their stank when they poop... look up 'vacuum toilets'. They suck the fumes right out so you won't be a little stinker when you have a party!


Aug 31, 2024 11:49 pm

Hi D... I use Ozium spray after I'm done... it works really well for me. I love the vanilla scent, but there are other scents available too! Good luck!!


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 01, 2024 7:35 am
Reply to Mysterious Mose

I empty like that multiple times a day in the same toilet, and I've never had an issue with that. 🤷‍♂️ I couldn't tell you the last time I scrubbed the toilet bowl because of smell or stains.

Sep 01, 2024 10:58 pm

Yes, I also seem to stain or leave a residue inside my toilet stool, so several years ago I found a soft squeeze bottle, commonly known as a Peri bottle. Most women will know about this bottle, and it can still be purchased at medical supply companies. I took the lid off, filled it with water, and always leave it sitting on my bathroom counter, always available. As soon as I empty my bag and as I flush and the contents are on the way down, I grab my Peri bottle filled with water and rinse the stool at the same time. Any residual stain is rinsed and then flushed down the toilet. Then I always refill the bottle for next time. I usually have a small bottle of Dawn in the bathroom for clothing stains and occasionally will put a drop in the bottle also.

Sep 02, 2024 5:47 am

I agree that eventually the bowl will stink, and if left too long without cleaning, it would take a lot to get the smell out, and that's not just with ostomies. I like the bleach spray. That always works for me, and bleach kills odor-causing germs. I just buy a cheapie Walmart Great Value bleach spray. Works wonders and smells fresh.