
Sep 14, 2024 9:02 pm

So I love to go swimming. Now that I have an ostomy I don't swim anymore.  Tips recommendations, help me here open to all suggestions  thanks!

Sep 14, 2024 9:12 pm

Just go for it.  I swim all the time and have no problems.  


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Sep 14, 2024 9:51 pm

You didn’t mention how long you’ve had an Ostomy altho I see this is your 1st post.  Your swimming days are out there waiting for you… I am guessing  you will see many posts on this.  I for one have posted several times.  Altho I have never been swimming in public, we have a pool where I frequently spend time.  I do not swim but rather play music and dance in it for up to an hour at a time.  I have never had a leak in the pool.  I just pop (oh, may be a bad choice of words here) my skin tight bathing suit on and proceed right in.  The tight suit helps to hold my hernia from bouncing about.  You will get there too….also, I shower with bag on and no cover ups such as Saran Wrap or any of those time wasters which do not work and were miserable - took me a while and prolly this web-site to figure that one out.  Every other day I shower (no bag) totally naked - it’s the BEST shower for sure!  I have an ileostomy…jb


Sep 14, 2024 9:56 pm

I swam many many days this summer. I have high waisted tankini bottoms and a separate top. No issues. My advice is jump in!

Sep 14, 2024 10:12 pm

If it tight on land should be good in the water, I ware flange extenders for added protection.


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Sep 14, 2024 11:21 pm

Think of it this way:  If immersion in water caused adhesion failure... we could use water to remove a wafer.  Instead of using expensive medical adhesive remover sprays and wipes.

Sep 15, 2024 1:48 am

I've had my mine for 2 years plus.  I'm not embarrassed to have it but I would rather not reveal it if I don't have to. My girl always want me to go swim with her and I won't. People are so judgmental and i would rather not have to hear mean comments  from strangers and get funny looks just. Cause I wanna take I dip in a pool or go swimming in Tahoe. I know they make special shorts but thise things cost way to much f&^%ing money and I dont wear shorts that go over my belly button l. I guess I'll just stick to being pool side instead taking a dip.  Oh well 

Sep 15, 2024 3:06 am

Hi.  Check out a wrap by Ostomy Secrets and njoy yourself….

Sep 15, 2024 8:36 am
Reply to spratford

I've had a colostomy for 18 months.  Also have a mild parastomal hernia underneath the little beast.  There's no way I can hide it.  I'm a little dude, with a big lump under my shirt.  I was self conscious about it for a few months.  I was NOT a happy camper.

I discovered most people don't care.  I went on a cruise 3 months after getting the colostomy.  I would point out my big bulge to people I met, after chatting with them for awhile.  Nearly all said, "they didn't notice it." 

I always wear a long sleeve swim shirt, even before getting the colostomy.  I live at the beach, so always try and limit sun exposure.

Ya gotta be tough to have an ostomy.  Without mine... I'd be 6 feet under pushing up daisies.  So... who cares what others think.


Sep 15, 2024 2:36 pm
Reply to spratford

I got a tankini from Amazon: high waisted bottoms and a longer top. When the water makes the bottom of my top float up to the water, the high waisted bottom completely covers my bag. No one knows I have an ostomy unless I tell them. I hope the responses here help to give you the confidence to go in the water. 🤗

Sep 15, 2024 2:44 pm


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I got these bottoms, they’re ruched so they don’t fit completely flat against my body and so hide my bag better. The top is longer than the typical top and also not tight. Works perfectly and cheaper than “ostomy” swimsuits.

Sep 22, 2024 11:09 pm

Posted about my first swim with my ostomy this summer - https://www.meetanostomate.org/discussion-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32065

The top I am wearing is one of my old triathlon tops.  I wore them the whole race - including the swim.  Might work for you.