I got tired of squeezing out poop; it's time-consuming and messy. I figured out how to do it faster and cleaner. I open the pouch, point it up towards my chest, and pour 1/2 of a water bottle (8 oz or so, depending on the amount of poop inside). I close it back up and squish it up and down until it turns like diarrhea, stand over the toilet bowl, bend down, and open the pouch (point it up towards you), flush the toilet, and point the pouch down towards the swirling water and release the flap until it empties out. I repeat the process one more time to rinse it out. I usually stuff 3 sheets of toilet paper into the pouch up past the folding flaps and close it up. It usually takes me less than 2 minutes to empty the pouch. P.S. It takes practice to master it, but you will really be better off in the long run. :)

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Returning to work after ostomy surgery should not be rushed.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.