Rectal Discharge and Ileostomy - Need Advice on Farting

Jan 21, 2012 2:26 pm
Good morning everyone - now I know that a lot of us experience some form of rectal discharge and the feeling that we have to go from time to time. I checked with my surgeon the first time I had this happen to me and found out that in my case it was nothing to be alarmed about. Well, I actually had a butt fart last night - not a stoma fart. I have never done this before and I did use to joke that I missed being able to do it. But now I'm scared - has anybody with an ileostomy (not sure that it matters whether it is an ileostomy or a colostomy) had this happen to them - there is no pain or swelling that I can feel. Well, there is some pain near the top of my incision but it is not high on the pain scale and I think it's just healing pain. No fever, no nausea - nothing out of the ordinary other than the fart. I just started back to work this week for half days and I wonder if this has something to do with it. Any experience that anyone can share with me will be helpful. Thanks so much, Terry
Jan 21, 2012 4:34 pm
Hi Tess....well, it's been awhile since my ileostomy (Jul 2010) and a while since manufacturing a fart, lol. That said, it's very unlikely you have anything to worry about.... Keep in mind the physical structure that remains... The rectum stump is a tube, mucus cells are still being produced in there, which explains much of the periodic drainage that occurs. It's not sterile, so some of the normal rectal bacteria which we all have could be a bit active, and that could generate a bit of gas... Also, if you were to sit just right, some air might get in... Hard to say... It will vary from person to person... I wouldn't worry about it at all.... Quirky little things seem to come along when dealing with this sort of situation... If you once suffered from colitis... Then the frequency of drainage can vary over time, and if increasing, it could indicate that colitis is still active in the rectum... In that case, you should see your doctor. I can recall having a few similar experiences, but they were rare. Hope that helps a bit.
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  38,673 members
Jan 21, 2012 4:43 pm


You are right on the mark! I had that once in a while shortly after my ileo, but not since. It did provide a fond memory when it happened; kind of a deja vu.


Past Member
Jan 21, 2012 6:18 pm

Hi Tess, lol. It's been so long since I've had a good fart, just to experience it once more. Lol, deja vu. Well, probably would freak me out now. It's been many, many years. Lol. But I don't think you have to worry about what's happened. It's probably a one-off. Take care, Ambies.

Jan 22, 2012 7:58 pm

Thanks very much, everyone. I didn't think that it was cause for concern, but it did freak me out a little bit. It helps to know that others have had the same thing happen. P.S. Ambies, the fat would have made a college student proud. LOL


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jan 23, 2012 2:15 am

Xerxes and Ambies, you crack me up!!!

It's been 2 1/2 years since my ileo and in that time, I had one tiny baby mini-fart. Don't even remember if my husband was around or if I was alone, but I was quite proud.

I don't know exactly what you mean by discharge, but during the first year and a half, about three or four times I had what felt like a regular bowel movement (oh, the nostalgia!). Just mentioning it, so if it happens to you (what someone I know calls a "faux shit") it's nothing to worry about. Just mucus.

If it was an award-winner of a fart, congratulations!

Jan 23, 2012 12:59 pm

I had my ostomy in '08, my reversal in '09. After the ostomy, I was heart sick about not being able to fart. I was a redneck who thoroughly enjoyed my farts. Especially when sitting around a campfire or on a fishing trip with my old buddies. Farting is as common around construction guys as tea and crumpets is to some circles. The guy who could emit the longest and loudest was awarded a certain respect among his peers. Some of us had even perfected a controlled
"three or four stepper" that was really impressive. Odor, however, was not as well received. It was purely the loudness of the procedure that impressed.
Now, allowing for that vein of thought, I did not fart for an entire year after my ostomy. I finally had my reversal and was eagerly awaiting, and wondering if the mechanism was still intact or not.
I remember telling the nurse right after surgery that I would give her $20.00 if she could guarantee that I would be able to have one. She told me not to worry about it.
I was in a two bed recovery room with a fellow that was very active in his church. Consequently, he was inundated with visitors around the clock. Most of his visitors would also inquire as to how I was doing............for a while!

Then it happened.....the fart of the century. It seemed to go on forever, like it was the culmination accrued for a year, and odor! Even I had trouble enduring it. It would permeate the entire room. I apologized to the other patient and he said not to worry about it, as he had gone through the same thing. The nurse finally brought me my own can of room freshener, which I used incessantly.
Then one day these two visitors stuck their head in the room to visit the other patient just as I had emitted a room clearer. One of them gasped, grabbed his nose and yelled "I can't see!" Well, that was the last I saw of them.
I have come to realize that my farts do have a horrendous odor now, much more than before I had the ostomy. I wonder if that is because there is no colon?
At any rate, it sure is nice to be able to "pass gas" again.

Gt Grandma
Jan 23, 2012 6:53 pm
Hello Tess, after reading your letter, I was surprised one day when it happened to me too. It was a surprise. I have had mine (ileostomy) 11 years in April and I worried so much about the discharge. It was alright when clear but I hate the bouts of the different kind, usually every 4 months or so. Dr explained that the large bowel is still alive and being fed by nutrients from our body. I have never talked to another person that has an ileostomy so it has been interesting reading on this page. Worry doesn't do us any good I know but I am good at it.
Past Member
Jan 23, 2012 8:44 pm
Re: Farting: Serious Funny

Funny first:
When my colostomy was new, I could barely eat. There was little output but copious gas. Not being a seasoned surgical patient, I didn't want to get out of bed to go burp the little monster in the bathroom. One night, I'd had enough. I had gloves, towels, and alcohol wipes at hand. I pulled down the covers, exposed PoopyDoo, and carefully unrolled her for a burp. My husband awoke with "Oh my god, did you burp your bag? I was dreaming that we were being invaded by Chinese using stink bombs instead of incendiaries!"
From then on, the heavy-duty air freshener from the hospital lived with the gloves and towels.

More serious, but I wouldn't worry:
If your colon is still connected (either natural or by surgical anastomosis) to your anus - even part of your colon - then there is the potential of passing gas through the anus. Another writer is correct: peristalsis (muscle movement) continues to occur and mucus can be produced.

I was given two stomas at one time - one pee, one poop. I knew the colostomy was hopefully temporary, but I didn't understand the physics of the anastomosis (anal connection) and had to ask my surgeon when I experienced the sensation of gas moving around, even though I don't remember it being expelled.
Jan 23, 2012 9:12 pm

With a colostomy, you do feel occasional pressure at the rectum. However, no stool is to pass, only mucus sometimes. Rodnreel

Jan 25, 2012 4:08 am

Christiesdad, I just had a reversal on the 12th, and I just laughed so hard, my gut is really hurting, and the tears are rolling down my face. I didn't know what to do when I had the first urge to fart, and all I could think of was the movie Bucket List when he said never trust a fart. I think my husband liked it better when I would go in the bathroom and burp my bag...

Jan 25, 2012 7:02 am
Too funny.

I have had quite the opposite experiences to you all.

Prior to the creation of my colostomy (Nov 2010), I could not fart, and I could only poop naturally once every 40 days. I had mega colon for over 30 years and major issues with going to the toilet as a result of severe childhood anal sexual abuse. Farting was something I had not done since I was 8 years old. I couldn't burp either for similar reasons...

So when finally I went for help, my doctors took one look and said, "A colostomy is your only option." 6 days later, I was the proud possessor of Tomi the stoma.

He farts, burps, gurgles, and makes some of the most disgusting noises I have ever heard. He is one chatty fellow.

I just love it.

To me, every noise, every sound, is a sign of health. Every time he "says" anything, I feel happy that I am alive and getting healthy at long last.

I just know that Tomi is a show-off who likes to be the center of attention, hence his preference for farting, burping, and gurgling at the most inopportune time and place.

The quieter the setting, the more likely it is that Tomi will pipe up. The more embarrassed I will be if he talks, the more likely it will be that he will scream, shout, or produce a long drawn-out bellow of a fart.

I love my stoma.
Feb 07, 2016 6:24 pm

Hello all you lovely people. It's been quite some time. I don't frequent the site much or reply because it's pretty much the same questions by new members and I'm sure my replies haven't changed. So decided to let the newbies take over. I come back to read things once in awhile, but my views haven't changed at all.

The reason for this post (in this topic because it's the only one I could find pertaining to my question) how do you fart when you have no rectum, anus or butthole? Everything is gone and sewn shut. But for the past 8 months or so I have definitely been farting from my ass. Though I've no idea where it is going. This morning was so "real" I actually checked my panties to see if something happened! At times I even "feel" air passing through; through what I don't know!!?

If no one has had this and can tell me what's up, I guess I'll have to break down and go to the doctor; but I'd really rather not.

Thanks in advance!



Feb 08, 2016 2:02 pm

Hi Zywie, nice to hear from you. I don't know the answer to your question and can't seem to figure out why/how you could be passing gas if your bottom is closed and rectum removed. Sorry I can't help but wanted to say hello and thank you for checking in. I also cut back on my posts as I found that I was also repeating myself. I like checking in. Take care Zywie and have a great week. LH

Feb 08, 2016 4:34 pm

Hi Z,

Hope all is well! I've not been on in quite a while myself, but I have been popping in to post some stupid jokes recently. I have the same physical situation as you, rectum, anus, gone bottom all closed up. Two years after my colostomy, I had those strange sensations of having to have a bowel movement. They felt so real, just like when everything was intact. Sometimes there's just a lot of pressure down there, like when you have to go, or if you had gas. I was told that's normal with situations like ours. It doesn't happen often, maybe three times a year, lasting a day or two. You say it's been ongoing for eight months... wow! Maybe a call to the doctor or an oncology nurse could shed some light on what you're going through. I'll be interested to know what you find out. Regards... Kevin

Feb 09, 2016 10:26 pm

Hi Z.  So nice to hear from you. Now I need to ask can YOU hear you or is it silent?  Could it be like an unHoly Spirit?   Maybe a Priest or Rabbi could offer something.  

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't joke about that. 



Daria Luna
Dec 03, 2022 5:12 pm
Reply to tess45

I received my ileostomy in late October and I have passed gas from my rectum a few times. I remember my surgeon telling me that I may need to do a Fleet enema now and then. But the ostomy nurse said no, not to do that. Hmmm, don't know.

Jun 29, 2024 8:32 am

Hi everyone

I'm new. I just had my ileostomy 10 days ago. I've had a SBO already and I just passed gas and stool from my rectum. Is this normal? There seems to be nothing going into the bag as well. Any advice for a newbie?

Jun 29, 2024 8:57 am

Hoping for any info.