BCIR Procedure vs. J Pouch: Experiences and Advice?

Jun 02, 2012 3:54 pm

Hi, has anybody had the BCIR procedure done? I am thinking of doing this instead of a J Pouch. Also, I have an ileostomy and my output is always very thick. I drink a lot of liquids and don't understand why. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

Jun 03, 2012 8:49 pm

I have the BCIR. I never wanted the J-pouch.

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Jun 03, 2012 11:35 pm

Do you like it? Have you ever had any problems with it? Where did you have it done at? I'm looking at the one in FL.


Jun 04, 2012 12:42 am

My friend Roxy, (you are always my friend unless you are my enemy), I am going to meet with my DR. this Friday to set a date for my BCIR. I have had an ileostomy since 2007 and of course don't like it. I considered the J-pouch but there seemed to be a lot of complications. Mine will be done in Dallas, Texas. I have spent at least 6 months considering this and have "talked" to many people online who have done it. At least 9 out of 10 have said they are glad they did it and it has changed their life for the better. I wish I had the option to do it first instead of the standard ileostomy because I get to be cut open again and do all that recovery stuff. The place in Florida has a good reputation but there might be places closer to you (I don't know where you are). Anyway, I would not hesitate to do the BCIR.


Jun 08, 2012 2:03 pm
Hi Megalyman, thanks so much for your reply. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I know you won't see this today since today is your surgery, but I know everything will go great and hope you let me know how you feel when you're up to it.

I sat in on a conference on Tuesday with the people in FL and everyone on the call also said BCIR is the way to go! I have also heard a lot of people have complications with the J Pouch and one will be back in the bathroom 8 to 10 times a day, like before! I asked if there were any surgeons in NY or Philly and there aren't, guess I just have to rough it by the ocean! I got my ileo in September due to a ruptured colon from UC, there was too much surgery to do at the time so they couldn't take the rectum out which I will have to have done when they do the BCIR, not looking forward to that! Why did you have to have an ileo?

I hope you are up and running around in no time!

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Jun 08, 2012 3:10 pm

Actually, I am just going to schedule the surgery today. I plan to have it done at the end of July. I had the ileostomy because I had UC since '85 and the meds were no longer keeping it under control. Even though I was not in crisis mode, they thought it would be best to do it then instead of waiting for a major event. They were also concerned that since I had it for so long, the risk of colon cancer was greatly increasing. Go down early and enjoy the beach!

Jun 11, 2012 12:19 am

I am assuming you are having a K-pouch done in Dallas by Jacobson? Only 2 surgeons do the BCIR. FL and Cali.

Jun 11, 2012 2:10 pm

You are correct. Jacobson and his associate MD trained in FL. He does the procedure slightly differently but it is basically the same.

Jun 11, 2012 2:13 pm

Lichliter was my original surgeon when I started this journey. Rhenke out of St. Petersburg is my surgeon but I went to Jacobson 2 weeks ago for some issues and a scope since I am local to D.

Jun 11, 2012 2:57 pm

I like Jacobson, he is a funny guy. Did everything come out okay?

Jun 11, 2012 3:11 pm

Ah, my pouch and valve looked flawless, but I still have some issues. I have other diseases, so it's a mystery right now what causes what.

Aug 11, 2012 5:01 am

Did you have your surgery yet? Haven't been on this thread lately. Are you going from an ostomy to continent ileo?

Aug 12, 2012 3:49 pm

No, I haven't yet. I was told that I qualify, but then I have had three blockages and have been in the hospital 25 days out of 30. Things are starting to calm down now, so I'm going to try and do it in Jan or Feb if I can wait that long. Still having a lot of colitis issues in the rectum and it has to come out, so I hope I can wait. It's been a long summer!

Sep 23, 2012 4:05 am
Hope you feel better! They are really great at the BCIR program and it is the best care one can possibly get. I never had care that amazing in a hospital.

I was also asking
Megalyman if he had his Kpouch done since he mentioned being booked for it.
Sep 26, 2012 4:10 am
I must apologize for my late response to anybody who sent me a message. I went to Baylor Hospital and had my surgery to convert my Brook Ileostomy to a K-pouch. Unfortunately, it was the surgery from hell. The surgery was done on July 14, and I was supposed to get out in 11 to 14 days later. I was in for a bit over 2 months. Ended up having 3 surgeries, and the K-pouch reversed to the original Brook. A stricture formed between the pouch and abdomen, and nothing could go through. BP dropped down to 58/46, had 28+ units of blood, and was, of course, sent to ICU. I am at home now and walking around good. Pain pills are still one of my best friends. Went from 180lbs to 135lbs but have put 10lbs back on. Hell of an adventure, but I will kick its butt. I know there are worse stories than mine, so just hold on. Good times are ahead.

Oct 09, 2012 2:41 am

Hi Roxy, I am planning on having the BCIR done in January 2013, maybe I will see you down there. I am hoping to get it done on January 3rd. I can't wait. Also, Vanessa, I read so many of your posts and watched your YouTube videos. Can you tell me how much volume-wise of the awful bowl prep they make you drink? I am still traumatized from bowl preps past, and they told me that they do not allow the Miralax prep.

Oct 09, 2012 2:43 am
Just think... It is the last prep you have to do!
Oct 29, 2012 1:33 am
Well hello Roxy,

Things did not go well. I had the BCIR done in July, had a fistula they had to cut again to remove the bugs, and then had a stricture which made me have the BCIR reversed to the original Brooke ileostomy, but it is about twice the size of the one I went in with. I was 180 lbs when I went in but was 130 lbs when I came out. I was in for two months, and because of 3 surgeries, I was in bed most of the time. I've been out for a little over a month now, and health is still a challenge. Losing 50 lbs in 2 months is not good. I have very little muscle strength, but I am up to 145 lbs now. I hope and pray that whatever you do works out for the best. Dr. Jacobson says I can try again, but I am not so sure I will. At 58 years old, it is tough to recover. If I decide to do it again, I may try FL. Thanks for all the chats.
