Hernia Under Stoma

Please can someone help me I'm in pain I got out of the hospital Tuesday the 23rd because I have a hernia under my stoma I have an ileostomy and I have been in the hospital 3 Times now and I am very sore from throwing up and this hernia is sore. I am going to have surgery August 5th I changed my wafer and bag cuz I had a burning pain and my stoma is swollen and it is sunk in where I can get a good hold and when I push to try to get to seal it hurts really bad. Should I put an ice pack on it. Please can anyone know what I can do. :'(

Any suggestions.
New to Maryland (DMV)
Im sorry! I had the same exact problem! I had to have my stoma moved and mesh put between the hernia and the intestine to prevent the herniation of the intestine. Unfortunately when the doctor moved it, he removed a nice outie, put it 1"to the left of my midline (because according to him there was not enough intestine to move it further away from my midline and it now an innie. So, now it drips on my Penis, and is impossible to get a good seal with the innie stoma. Hang in there, if you can avoid another surgery, my recommendation would be DO SO, otherwise, you run the risk of more and multiple problems. However, if you are herniating regularly, go for it but make sure to tell your surgeon what your wishes are WRT placement, 1" outie, etc. otherwise you could end up with sh*t running down your belly into places you don't want it. My situation has RUINED my sex life BEst of luck! HammertimeAZ
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Hello blueeyes. I also have a hernia under my stoma which seems to migrate across the outlet blocking it completely. It certainly does hurt, especially when there is wind building up behind it adding to the pressure. Once the wind is relieved the pain is reduced considerably. I have therefore experimented with several methods trying to relieve pressure by opening up the hole. Some of the things I do by way of experimentation, I would not recommend to anyone else because they run risks that are beyond 'reasonableness'. However, the cone used for irrigation has a hole down the middle and I have adapted one so that if I can wriggle it around, it opens up enough space to allow the wind to pass through the hole. This procedure in itself is painful but it seems to work for me.  Another thing I found was that hernia belts were not effective or appropriate for this type of hernia so I made a device about 10ml thick ,rectangular (because the round ones kept moving each time I bent over)with an exact-match hole in it that went over the stoma allowing the stoma  to continue protruding through the hole, This device was secured with two elasticated tapes to act as a belt. I used two tapes because there needed to be a fine adjustment in the top and bottom tape to keep the device in the right position for my rounded abdomen and the protruding hernia. ( using one belt simply made it dig in at the top and was loose at the bottom.) I then use another hernia belt to cover the whole lot and help prevent other hernias from occuring elsewhere.  Making succcessful devices takes a lot of trial and error to get them right and I am convinced that people need to experiment and not give up if their efforts don't work at the first attempt ( or even many attempts).

If I do have to go back to discuss this problem with a surgeon I now have a much better idea of what works and what doesn't and I will be clear about exactly what I would like them to try.

Best wishes   Bill
Thanks a lot guys not good remembering names. August 5th is coming fast I went today and got marked on the other side had a small temperature. But if I don't talk to anyone before I will as soon as I feel better.

Thanks you guys who answered me
