Living with a Colostomy: Seeking Advice and Sharing Experiences

Aileen green
Sep 09, 2015 2:59 pm

Thanks Wildlife, the things you said to avoid eating are all my favorite things, LOL .I am willing to put those foods aside that's for sure. As far as milking the stoma, when it had my surgery in 07 the surgeon thought I would prefer a flat stoma, flush to my skin. To tell you the truth I didn't look into stoma at all. I had lost my husband in 06 , I had a anal fistula that was open to the vaginal wall. I went a year in so much pain I couldn't stand it any longer and had the surgery without much info to go on. I was just so happy to be out of pain, I couldn't sleep , I couldn't eat, I told my Dr. I thought I was loosing my mind, a year with no sleep was really getting to me. So I don't think milking the stom is possible for me. My Dr. Did tell me about a enema type thing that I could do every morning and then not be bothered with it the rest of the day, which I'm seriously considering. I also have an ileostomy, it doesn't give me much problems at all. But god my colostomy goes non stop, it drives me crazy. I must be in the bathroom 15-20 times a day. I can't stand having anything in my pouch.  Thank you so much for the info, any help would be great. Aileen always in the bathroom Green, lol 

Sep 14, 2015 5:38 am

Hello Aileen.  You have a colostomy and your consultant recommends irrigation - the sooner you take his/her advice the sooner you will get your life back to somewhere near 'normal' (whatever that is!) most people who irrigate never look back - or if they do it will be to think " Thank goodness I don't have those problems anymore!"

Best wishes Bill

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Sep 15, 2015 8:08 pm

irrigating,, i have been trying this ,, i just can't get the hang of it,, i guess im not relaxed enough, any advice ? I so want this to work,


Sep 16, 2015 1:06 am

irrigation is well worth the time to learn. i assume you cleared it first with your doc, and your remaining colon is in good health? i learned by watching a you tube video, you can search "colostomy irrigation" which should get you several videos to watch.  for me, the early mornings are the best time. be sure you hang the water reservoir  about shoulder height. the water temp is critical and i suggest the coloplast kit as it has a temp gauge built into the side. some times you have to get the cone pointed in just the right angle to get the water in. i wait 1 hour for the water to return. be sure to take a book to pass the time and the phone, cos it will ring right in the middle of things. i irrigate every second day, keep to a set routine for best results. i watch my fiber intake which will extend your time without worry of output. good luck and keep us posted of your progress. mmsh

Past Member
Jul 11, 2018 11:47 am
Hi. Are you near Indianola, by any chance? I went to visit a friend there in 98.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
