Colostomy Reversal Experiences and Recovery Tips

Apr 18, 2016 10:39 pm

Hi All,

Im due to have my colostomy reversed in August & I'm getting nervous.  Has anyone had theirs reversed & if so how was your 

recuperation?  Any complications?


Signed Gsunshyne 






Apr 19, 2016 1:39 am

Hi Gsunshyne.

I had my temp-ileo reversal in 2004. Recuperation was rapid with no complications (TG).  In fact, I played golf exactly 10 days after surgery and with the surgeon's blessing. That was my experience; but, no doubt, other people's experience may be different. I was just very fortunate to be treated by highly qualified specialists who did this type of surgery all the time. Good luck!


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Apr 20, 2016 3:35 am

Hi Primboy

thank you so much with your response to my question regarding ostomy reversal. I feel a little more at ease but still very nervous cause after my colostomy surgery & my recovery in the hospital I had to go to a rehab center for 3 more weeks. I don't want this to happen again



Apr 20, 2016 4:46 am

Well, Gsunshune. The nurses made me get out of bed the next morning and move about as much as possible. I could use the pain pump whenever I needed it and I managed to walk up and down the corridors of the hospital at all hours of the day or night, holding my IV stand with my right hand and hanging on to the 3 bags that were draining fluid or urine with the other hand. I did not need any rehab and they sent me on my way home after 7 days. At home I did not need any of their pain meds and in a few days I was back to normal. My surgeon was also an avid golfer and he knew what I would be dealing with. The important thing is to have some goal leaving the hospital and this time it was to participate in a golf outing. Another time it was to return to my classroom teaching at the beginning of the new semester. I accomplished both with some degree of grace. So, what do you want to have happen when you are discharged? Certainly it is not to return to the rehab center. Find a goal, fixate on it, communicate it, then make it happen. You are in control. Be not afraid.


Apr 20, 2016 7:08 pm


Thanks again. I'm gonna make sure I get up & out of bed this time. When I had my procedure I was so drugged up & I don't want that this time. You're giving me more confidence. Keep it coming. My goal is to get back in shape & go to gym. Right now I'm going to yoga classes & doing some stretching. 



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
