Missing My Colon: Has Anyone Else Felt This Way?

Jul 28, 2017 2:34 pm

I never had Phantom Pains but after I had my Entire  Colon Removed from having Colon Cancer it really bothered me and it might sound Crazy but I Missed my Colon for a LONG TIME and It Really Upset Me and Even Worried Me that he I am now Missing a 6 ft. long part of me that I have had all of my Life. I was just wondering if anybody else ever felt that way.  This is MY 1st Post I had Ulcerative Colitis when I was 13 yrs Old that turned Colon Cancer when I was 29 yrs old. 99% of my Colon was full of Ulcers so that's why they took out my entire large intestine and hooked up my small intestine with a J-Pouch. I did really good for quite a few yrs. and then I started getting real bad abscesses with fistulas and had to have numerous surgeries.  After every surgery I had I started losing more and more muscle strength and it got so bad that I was going on myself in my sleep so I made the had decision to get a Permanent Ileostomy.  It was the BEST Decision I have Ever made in my Life except for being Saved and Giving My Heart To God  I Hope and Pray that you all STAY POSITIVE and KEEP YOUR HEADS UP !! We are all FAMILY HERE that has been given a 2nd Chance at LIVE so LIVE , LAUGH AND LOVE :)

Jul 30, 2017 4:25 am

Hi Survivor#15,

Welcome to MAO. I don't recall feeling like I missed the part of my colon that was removed after colon cancer but I'm glad you are now happier and encouraging others to stay positive. Hope you post more and when you can, stop in the general chat room and say hello.

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Jul 30, 2017 6:54 am

Thank You Soooooo Much for your Response and Kind Words !! I'm New at this but I'm Sooooo Excited to Finally be with and talk to others Who Know and Live Daily with my Struggles both Mentally and Physically. Thank You for the Kind Welcome and I'm LOOKING FORWARD TO POSTING MORE  😁😁

Aug 02, 2017 1:07 pm

Hello SURVIVOR#15.

I'm sos glad you felt able to join us in posting, as many people just passively observe the posts and don't feelm able to write stuff themselves. 

It sounds as if you have already had plenty of experience which would be helpful to share with others and I agree with your comment : " We are all FAMILY HERE that has been given a 2nd Chance at LIVE so LIVE , LAUGH AND LOVE" - A very good philosophy.

Best wishes


Aug 03, 2017 8:37 am

Thank you so much Bill !! It is so good to be here where People Understand what you are going through both Physically and Mentally. CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE SOME NEW FRIENDS :)


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