I am a recent otsomate. Things did not go well at first and I ended up having three ileostomies done in less than five weeks. I have also been told by my consultant that I have a very narrow ileum. Not the best of starts. Before having this done I loved, loved, loved all vegetables (except kale yeuk) and pulses, and ate loads of them. There are one or two that I can live quite happily without, sweetcorn being one. However, and I know this may sound daft, can I eat my favourite veggies and lentils, cooked beans etc if I puree them, as in soup or just like creamed potato? I am really missing them. I have a ninja thingy which blasts everything to smithereens if that is any help. I couldn't care less about any wind that may result. Mushrooms too. Can I make mushroom and garlic soup? Please help. Thankyou

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